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Author Archives: Enjolras Sanchez
Spaces of Autonomy: Self-Management and the Commons in Contemporary Greece
What you will read below is about the formation of a new revolutionary subject. If workers’ councils were the self-creation of the working class during moments of rebellion in the early 1900s or later in the 1950’s the current movement … Continue reading
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Updates from Greece: In Solidarity with the Occupying Workers of Industrial Mineral (Vio.Me)
"…only through a network of self-managed factories will Vio.Me be able to survive and light the way towards a different organisation of production and the economy, with no exploitation, inequality or hierarchy" http://biom-metal.blogspot.gr/ The struggle in Greece is … Continue reading
Updates from Greece: Greek Proletariat Occupies — Life without Bosses
Greek worker resistance has turned a new page in combatting and overcoming the ongoing capitalist onslaught against the majority of the population everywhere. Street demonstrations and battles, occupations of public spaces and the creation of alternative centres have been joined … Continue reading
Updates from Greece: The Resistance continues
We are happy to let you know that the Greek anti-authoritarian resistance is countering the terroristic assaults of the Greek State. From the http://blog.occupiedlondon.org/ we repost: http://blog.occupiedlondon.org/2013/01/15/lelas-karagianni-squat-has-been-re-occupied/ http://blog.occupiedlondon.org/2013/01/15/police-raid-lelas-karagianni-athens-oldest-anarchist-squat-updates/
It was once remarked (by Guy Debord) that a society whose members are fully born within the spectacle will not have any other reference point than the spectacle itself making the prospects of a revolution unlikely. We would like to … Continue reading
Updates from Greece – Taking over the factories
The ceaseless magmatic revolt of the Greek proletariat has been adding to the visceral street battles creative economic projects (see previous Updates from Greece) and now a concentrated battle for the occupation of a major industrial factory. While for the … Continue reading
Updates from Greece — Economies against Capitalism
While resistance in Greece against the capitalist onslaught is still going strong, another side of the struggle, one that is less visible in the media, is emerging — we might say a positive moment in the dialectics of the revolution. … Continue reading
Occupied Companies in Argentina — An assessment
While this article is not very recent, it discusses a situation which remains relevant and will remain relevant: first, because if a revolt or insurrection is to become a revolution with some chance of sucess it will have to address … Continue reading
Salute! Bangladeshi Workers Resist
Some of us used to say that the Revolution will be international or not at all. While we don't expect the revolution to happen at once, globally, linking the struggles as they happen (and at all times trying to create … Continue reading
The Golden Dawn, Fascists, Neo-Nazis and the State
It is mostly in the writings of contemporary anti-authoritarian writers that we find the view that fascism and its various embodied (or should we say excremented) manifestations are not a symptom but an essential component (although often in partial manifestations) … Continue reading →