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Tag Archives: labour
The confluence of spain’s divided anarcho-syndicalist unions
The CGT, the CNT and Solidaridad Obrera present an agreement for the unity of action of the three organisations. A historic step for anarcho-syndicalism (tercerainformacion.es, 11/04/2023) Last Monday, April 10, at the premises of the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation in Madrid, … Continue reading
Travis Wilkerson: An Injury to One (film)
It may be said that the “working class”, in political struggles throughout the emergence and expansion of capitalism, was epochal. We use the word here in its ancient Greek sense. The Greek word epokhe meant “stoppage, fixed point of time,” from epekhein “to … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Film
Tagged anarcho-syndicalism, anti-capitalism, Frank Little, I.W.W., labour, Travis Wilkerson
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Covid and “the great resignation”
Refuser de parvenir, ce n’est ni refuser d’agir ni refuser de vivre : c’est refuser de vivre et d’agir pour soi et aux fins de soi. Albert Thierry Tant que notre triomphe ne sera pas en même temps celui de tous, … Continue reading
Remembering the IWW
For this May Day, we turn to a page of working class and anarcho-syndicalist history, that of the Industrial Workers of the World Union; not however as a dead past, but as a permanent possibility for thinking revolt and revolution … Continue reading
To destroy work
Continuing a reflection that began with our last post on David Graeber’s criticism of “bullshit jobs” (and with an earlier series of articles posted under the collective title “Against labour, against capital“), we share below an article that was originally … Continue reading
Against labour, labour capital: The right to be lazy
We close our review of anti-work and anti-capitalist literature with Paul Lafargue’s essay, The right to be lazy. With no intent to be exhaustive, and in no way considering that all has been said about the subject, the exercise was … Continue reading
Against labour, against capital: The original affluent society
Marshall Sahlin’s essay, The original affluent society, is now a classic text in the critique of labour under capitalism as the path to material well being. For those not versed in the lessons of the abundance of simplicity, when jobs … Continue reading
Against labour, against capital: The phenomenon of bullshit jobs
David Graeber’s essay, On the phenomenon of bullshit jobs, reflects upon the moral-disciplinary role of work in an age when contemporary capitalism renders most work redundant due to technological development and automaisation. We work not because we need to satisfy … Continue reading
Against labour, against capital: Against the totalitarianism of capital, the destruction of work
Life unbridled, a venture into the absolute other, requires the total destruction not only of ‘my’ work, but of the very concept of work and economy as the basis of human relations. Everything that led to the possibility of workers … Continue reading
Staughton Lynd: Thinking history, doing politics, from below
What we are about is a new set of values, the practice of solidarity. Capitalism developed within feudalism as the practice of the idea of contract. What was imagined was a society in which free and equal members of civil … Continue reading →