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Tag Archives: labour
Against labour, against capital: Marx’s theory, the crisis and the abolition of capitalism: An interview with Robert Kurz
Liberation is a historical fact and therefore cannot be theoretically “deduced” like the falling rate of profit. The famous “objective subject” of traditional Marxism is nothing but a category of capital itself, or a function of the “automatic subject” (Marx) … Continue reading
Against labour, against capital: World economic crisis, social movements and socialism: 12 theses by Robert Kurz
“Don’t worry, the capitalist system will be reborn from your ashes” – El Roto A new concept of socialism can only be articulated to the extent that there is a break with the internalization of capitalist ways of life by … Continue reading
Against labour, against capital: Norbert Trenkle and the violence of fictitious capital
We share a second essay by Norbert Trinkle that brings together the Krisis Group’s critique of value with an interpretation of the current crisis of capitalism. (The essay was published in english here, along with the german text).
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Tagged capitalism, Crisis, Krisis Group, labour, Norbert Trenkle
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Against labour, against capital: The terror of labour by Norbert Trenkle
As a compliment to Robert Kurz’s reflections on capitalism and labour, we share the work of another member of the Krisis Group, this time Norbert Trenkle and an essay entitled the Terror of labour. (The english language translation that we publish … Continue reading
Against labour, against capital: Marx 2000 by Robert Kurz
… the capitalist order of society is not determined by the subjects of circulation, but by the irrational end-in-itself of production. An emancipatory “abolition of money” is only possible in the context of an abolition of the labor-substance, its value-form, … Continue reading
Against labour, against capital: An interview with Robert Kurz
A second post in our series, Against labour, against capital … In this 2006 interview, Robert Kurz offers a succinct definition the “radical critique of value”, and discusses the nature of the commodity and markets, the “ontologization of value”, abstract … Continue reading
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Tagged capitalism, Guy Debord, Krisis Group, labour, Robert Kurz
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Against labour, against capital: The Krisis Group
The eulogists of work. Behind the glorification of ‘work’ and the tireless talk of the ‘blessings of work’ I find the same thought as behind the praise of impersonal activity for the public benefit: the fear of everything individual. At … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged capitalism, Krisis Group, labour, Manifesto Against Labour, revolution
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For May Day
To celebrate May Day is not only to remember working class struggles of the past, but also to remember that what victories were had were born of struggle and that they are held fast to only to the extent that … Continue reading
Taking back labour: Workers’ resistance and factory okupations in turkey
Labour struggles of workers continually strain against the limits of legality and labour union domestication. If salaried work, as traditionally understood, is not the exclusive domain of capitalist exploitation, it nevertheless remains central. And as workers discover, at times literally … Continue reading
Against labour, against capital … play!
In the domain of our life excess manifests in itself in so far as violence wins over reason. Work demands the sort of conduct where effort is in a constant ration with productive efficiency. It demands rational behaviour where the … Continue reading →