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Tag Archives: David Graeber
Occupy Wall Street/Occupy, ten years on
As a project, yes. Projection, planning and programming have never done anything but project what it was possible to calculate at a given moment. And consequently, they block the image of a future already hemmed in. Of course, it is … Continue reading
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Tagged anarchism, David Graeber, democracy, Mark Bray, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street, united states
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David Graeber: After the Pandemic, We Can’t Go Back to Sleep
From Jacobin magazine … In an essay penned shortly before his death, David Graeber argued that post-pandemic, we can’t slip back into a reality where the way our society is organized — to serve every whim of a small handful … Continue reading
(For) David Graeber on mutual aid
From the PM Press Blog … In loving memory of our friend, comrade, and mentor…David Graeber Andrej Grubacic shares some thoughts on David’s sudden passing. David Graeber was my mentor and my closest friend for the last twenty years. We … Continue reading
David Graeber: The shock of victory
From the CrimethInc. Collective … The Shock Of Victory: An Essay by David Graeber—and a Short Eulogy for Him Today, we mourn the passing of our friend and comrade, David Graeber, a tireless, insightful, and wide-ranging thinker. In his honor, … Continue reading
For David Graeber (1961-2020)
The greatest homage that we can be pay to David Graeber – even if this language is probably not one that he would appreciate – is to learn from his work and his life (which were never separate), and to … Continue reading
The gilets jaunes: How the ground moves beneath our feet
What an insurrectional moment shows is the return of life to visible social space. The uprising has no existence of its own, if not by an abuse of language. It is meshed with a thousand little stories, the smaller the … Continue reading
Looking back at “On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs”: David Graeber
… written down, shit does not smell Roland Barth, “L’arbre du crime” What constitutes a “bullshit” job? David Graeber in a now famous essay, “On the Phenonmenon of Bullshit Jobs“(2013), which now finds a second life in book form, … Continue reading
Anarchism, geography and the politics of space III: David Harvey and anarchist geography
… let radical geography be just that: radical geography, free of any particular “ism”, nothing more, nothing less. David Harvey We have little or no interest in polemics. But differences of perception, thought, forms of life, when they happen or … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged anarchism, David Graeber, David Harvey, geography, marxism, Murray Bookchin, Simon Springer
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Against labour, against capital: The phenomenon of bullshit jobs
David Graeber’s essay, On the phenomenon of bullshit jobs, reflects upon the moral-disciplinary role of work in an age when contemporary capitalism renders most work redundant due to technological development and automaisation. We work not because we need to satisfy … Continue reading
Zionism as a politics of everyday violence
With the generous permission of Nika Dubrovsky and the David Graeber Institute, we share an article by David Graeber on his experience and reflection on daily life under Israeli state occupation. Hostile Intelligence: Reflections from a Visit to the West … Continue reading →