Our links are not meant to offer an exhaustive picture of all that is happening, nor do they, before being posted, pass through an ideological evaluation. They are a momentary and changing picture of the many ways that autonomies are being created, ways with which we have affinity. They are not the last word, but moments of a process, which we wish in turn to share with others.
The news doesn’t have to be all the same
- Independent Media Centre
- Coop Média de Montréal
- Reelnews
- Democracy Now
- Le Monde diplomatique
- x-pressed
- El Salto Blog
- Kaosenlared
- El Topo
- Madrilonia
- Roarmag
- open Democracy
- Mother Jones
- Tercera Informacion
- Rebelion
- Desinformémonos
- Diso Press
- Jornal Mapa
- Esquerda.net
- Rabble
- Counter Punch
- bayareaintifada
- teleSUR
- Global Uprisings
- Occupied Times of London
- Politis
- Fakir
- Là-bas si j’y suis
- Reporterre
- Basta!
- cqfd journal
- Taranis News
- Unicorn Riot
- Peoples Dispatch
- Toward Freedom
- Progressive International
- Avispa Midia
- Yes Magazine
- Briarpatch
- Cerveaux Non Disponibles
- Inkyfada
- Nawaat
- La Tinta
- acta.zone
- Passa Palavra
- Patos à Esquerda
- In These Times
- Upside Down World
News from Israel-Palestine
Radical reflections
- Contretemps
- International Socialist Review
- Monthly Review
- Multitudes: revue politique, artistique, philosophique
- DDT21 Douter de tout …
- Ballast
- Palim Psao
- lundimatin
- Temps critiques
- infokiosques
- non.copyriot
- New Left Review
- Vacarme
- Z Magazine
- Dissent
- Adbusters
- The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy
- dialectical delinquents
- ResPublica.Gr
- Antagonism
- Aufheben
- Endnotes
- Situationist International
- Not Bored!
- Bureau of Public Secrets
- l’Encyclopédie des Nuisances (1984-1992)
- Spectacular Times
- Red Pepper
- Espai en blanc
- comite disperso
- Krisis
- Sortir de l’economie
- Variations
- Exit!
- communists in situ
- Upping the Anti
- Institut de Démobilisation
- turbulence
- The Free Association
- Strike! Magazine
- Hostis
- Jacobin
- Viewpoint Magazine
- Critical Legal Thinking
- Verso Books Blog
- Pluto Books Blog
- Guerrilla Translation!
- AntipodeFoundation
- Bitch Media
- aNtiDoTe
- Castoriadis Agora International
- Revista Punkto
- Praxis Magazine
- Generation Online
- Radical Imagination
- Ceasefire
- Africa is a Country
- Working Class History
- A Contretemps
- Commune Magazine
- Radical Philosophy Archive
- Inhabit: Territories
- Chuang Journal and Blog
- artilleria inmanente
- Quodlibet
- three way fight
- Ill Will Editions
- Laboratório de Sensibilidades
- New Politics
- Disenz
- Uneven Earth
- The New Inquiry
- Machina
- destituencies
- trop loin
- Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
- Class War
- The Funambulist
- Revista Disenso
- Le Sabot
- Les communaux
- Tricontinental
- Protean Magazine
- Dissidences
- Dissidences: le blog
- Hard Crackers
- [deletia] distro
- Friendship as a form of life
- no new ideas
- Public Seminar
- Internazionale Vitalista
- Tous Dehors
- In Extremis
- K.revue
- Entêtement
- Aftoleksi
- Blackout
- Les Amis de Bartelby
- Les Obscurs
- Historical Materialism
- groupe volodia
Rethinking Economics
News of Rebellions, Okupations, Revolutions and beyond, as events unfold
… 15-M movement of Spain
- Politica a largo plazo
- Feministes Indignades
- Marea Violeta
- Transmaricabollo – Madrid
- Toma el Orgulho
- Madrid.tomalosbarrios
- Marea Roja
- Marea Verde
- Madrid en acción (formerly Periodico Madrid 15M)
- Ágora Sol Radio
- Análise Madrid 15M
- Archivo 15M
- Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca – PAH
- Plataforma pour una Vivenda Digna
- Take the Square
- Federación Regional de Asociaciones Vecinales de Madrid (FRAVM)
- 15Mpedia
… Morocco
… Egypt
… Palestine-Israel
… Greece
… Turkey
… Bosnia and Herzegovina
… Portugal
… Italy
… France
- ZAD Notre-Dame-des-Landes
- ZAD Notre-Dame-des-Landes (english)
- Gazette Debout
- Paris-luttes.info
- Mutu medias libres
… United States
- Occupy Wall Street
- Occupy Oakland
- Occupy Boston
- Occupy New Orleans
- Strike Debt!
- We are the 99 Percent
- N+1Occupy Gazette
- Occupy.com
- Occupy Comix
- Black Lives Matter
… Québec
… Canada
… Brazil
- Movimento dos trabalhadores desempregados pela base
- Collectivo pela moradia
- Frente Internacionalista dos Sem-Teto – Ocupar, Resistir e Produzir!
- Movimento Nacional de Luta pela Moradia – Rio de Janeiro
- Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto
… Argentina
… South Africa
… Mexico
Experimenting Freedom
… taking the city
- Oficina de Okupacion (Barcelona)
- Okupa Resiste Crear
- Dinero Gratis
- Squat.net
- Squattercity
- La Red de Huertos Urbanos de Madrid
- Right to the City – Montreal
… taking the land
- Can Masdeu
- Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra
- La Via Campesina
- Land Workers Alliance
- Fraguas Revive
- genuino clandestino
- Raices en el Asfalto
- La terre en commun
- ZAD forever
- Uneven earth
… taking the school
… taking labour
- Workerscontrol.net
- Association Autogestion
- Instituto de Ciencias Económicas y de la Autogestión
- Ri-maflow (italy)
- Oz Officine Zero
- Vio.Me (greece)
… taking the economy
… taking the body/mind/self
- Samira
- Perroflauteando
- the overextended memotype
- Cybercomunismo
- Los movimientos contra atacan … South America
- Archipiélago en resistencia
- Socialism and/or Barbarism
- Des Nouvelles du Front
- Dormira Jamais
- Cunning Hired Knaves
- Critical-Theory
- Autonomias.net
- Contra el progresso
- Leila’s blog
- Le béton armé
- Modo de volar
- Deterritorial Investigations
- Ian Alan Paul
- Nomadic Negativity
- dehiscence
- Josep Rafanell i Orra
- ruins of capital
- Counterflow Collective
- Eco-Revolt (Julian Langer)
- Yavor Tarinski
… news
- Anarchistnews.org(USA)
- sub.Media(USA)
- A-Infos: Anarchist News Service
- Info Libertaire/Anarchist News/Federación Anarquista
- Agência de Noticias Anarquistas (Br)
- Contrainfo
- Linchpin (Ca)
- Tierra y Libertad (Esp)
- Liberar Las Mentes (Esp)
- A las barricadas (Esp)
- Todo Por Hacer (Esp)
- Regeneración libertaria (Esp)
- Freedom News (UK)
- Autonomy News (UK)
- The Commoner (UK)
- Making London the Rebel City (UK)
- Enough is Enough!
- Anarchy (Gr)
- Jornal A Batalha (Por)
- Jornal Mapa (Por)
- Portal Anarquista (Por)
- Guilhotina (Por)
- Portal Libertario Oaca (Esp)
- libcom.org (USA)
- CrimethInc (USA)
- It’s going down (USA)
- Agency (USA)
- The Transmetropolitan Review (USA)
- African Anarchism
- Anarkismo
- Le monde libertaire (Fr)
- Perú Libertario
- El Libertario (Venezuela)
- Non Fides (Fr)
- Umanità Nova (It)
- Radio Fragmata (Gr)
… blog
- Noticias y Anarquia
- Liberté ouvrière
- Yannis Youlountas
- Robert Graham’s Anarchism Weblog
- nuevoDESorden: Carlos Taibo
- Anarchist Without Content
- Jano Charbel
- Librepensador Acrata
- Grazia Tanta
- Surviving Leviathan with Peter Gelderloos
- Zoe Baker
… magazine, journal, review
- Argelaga (Esp)
- Acracia (Esp)
- Abordaxe (Esp)
- Ekintza Zuzena (Esp)
- El Lokal (Esp)
- Sobre la anarquia y otros temas (Esp)
- Redes Libertarias
- Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed
- Black Flag Anarchist Review (UK)
- Void Network (Gr)
- Void Network Blog (Gr)
- Apoio Mútuo (Por)
- Última Barricada (Por)
- A Ideia (Por)
- Divergences: Multinational libertarian review
- A-Rivista Anarchica
- Wreck (Ca)
- Fifth Estate (CA)
- Revista da Biblioteca Terra Livre (Br)
- Facção Fictícia (Br)
- Monde-nouveau (Fr)
- Grande Angle Libertaire (Fr)
- Avis de Tempetes (Fr)
- El Amanecer (Chile)
- El Libertario Blog (Venezuela)
- Lobo Suelto! (Arg)
- Anarquista (Arg)
- Anarchist Writers
- Strangers In A Tangled Wilderness
- The Acorn
- A Beautiful Resistance (formally Gods and Radicals)
- Eukariot
- Green Anarchy
- Distinctively Dionysian
- Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies
- Réfractions
- A contratemps
- Haters cafe
- Organise!
- Red and Black Notes
- The Anvil Review
- Jesus Radicals
- Organise Magazine
… research groups
- Instituto de Ciencias Económicas y de la Autogestión (Esp)
- Centro studi libertari (It)
- Grupo Gómez Roja (Chile)
- GGR – Revista Erosión (Chile)
- Anarchist Studies (UK)
- Anarchist Studies Network (UK)
- Anarchist Studies Blog (UK)
- Institute for Anarchist Studies
- The Libertarian Labyrinth
- Biblioteca Terra Livre
- Anarchism Research Group Loughborough
- Memória Libertária
- Transnational Institute of Social Ecology
… groups, collectives, unions, federations
- Anarchist Federation (UK)
- Anarchist Communist Group (UK)
- Solidarity Federation-AIT (UK)
- Anarchist Federation Scotland
- Glasgow Anarchist Federation
- Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland)
- Organise! friends of the International Worker’s Association (Ireland)
- Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (NZ)
- Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group
- Black Rose Anarchist Federation (US)
- Confederation Nationale du Travail (Fr)
- Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT – Esp)
- Solidaridad Obrera (Esp)
- Confederación Geral de Trabajo (CGT – Esp)
- Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertarias
- Procés Embat (Esp)
- Construyendo pueblo fuerte (Esp)
- Apoyo Mutuo (Esp)
- Federación Libertaria de Madrid
- Liza Plataforma anarquista de Madrid
- AIT (Por)
- RDA-69 (Por)
- B.O.E.S.G. (Por)
- Centro de Cultura Libertária (Por)
- Federazione Anarchica Italiana (FAI)
- Federazione dei Communisti Anarchici (It)
- Avtonom.org (Ru)
- Pramen – Anarchism in Belarus
- Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
- Workers Solidarity Alliance (US)
- WSA: ideas and action (US)
- Anarsist Faaliyet (Tur)
- Zabalaza (S.A.)
- Union Communiste Libertaire (Canada)
- Indigenous Anarchist Federation (US/Canada)
- Via Libre (Columbia)
- Grupo Antorcha Libertario (Columbia)
- Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya
- Federção Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro (Br)
- União Popular Anarquista (Br)
- Coletivo Anarquista Luta de Classe (Br)
- Fédération Anarchiste (Fr)
- Alternative Libertaire (Fr)
- Movement Anarchiste Revolutionnaire (Fr)
- Grupo Socialista Libertario (Mex)
- Federación Anarquista Revolucionaria de Venezuela
- Unión Socialista Libertaria (Perú)
- Bandilang Itim (Phillipines)
- Anarchist Pedagogies Network
- Anarchist Black Cross Federation
… Anarchist (and more) Archive/Library
- Anarchist Library
- Anarchy Archive
- Christie Books
- The Sparrows’ Nest Library and Archive
- Kate Sharpley Library
- Spunk Library
- Libcom.org Library
- Marxists Internet Archive
- Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo
- International Institute of Social History
- The Errico Malatesta Online Archive
- Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (AAMOD)
- Fragments d’histoire de la gauche radicale
- Panarchy
- La selva
- sprout distro
- Mayday Rooms
… Anarchist publishing
- Elephant Editions
- AK Press
- Ravage editions
- PM Press
- Little Black Cart
- Freedom Press
- Atelier de création libertaire
- Éditions Libertaire
- Noir et Rouge
- Éditions Libertalia
- Éditions du monde libertaire
- Malacoda
- Eulethera
- Edizione La Baronata
- La Neurosis o Las Barricadas
- Ochodoscuatro Ediciones
- Ediciones El Salmón
- La Malatesta
- El Lokal
- Virus Editorial
- Calumnia Ediciones
Art Beyond Itself
- Registromx
- Freee
- Depression Era
- Brandalism
- Subvertisers International
- The Yes Men
- Wu Ming Foundation (website english)
- Wu Ming Foundation (biographical page)
- Wu Ming Foundation (Blog italian)
- Blu
- e-flux
- Spatial Agency
- the Institute for Experimental Arts
- Bernadette Corporation
- Indecline
- Minor Compositions
- Chto Delat
- Counterspace
- Just Seeds
- Radio Libertaire (Fr)
- Sortir du capitalisme (Fr)
- Radio Argayo (Sp)
- Radio Topo (Sp)
- Antimídia (Br)
- Anarchy Tube
- Rádio Paralelo
- A-Radio Network
- The Final Straw Radio
- Biblioteca Terra Livre (YouTube channel)
- Anarchism Research Group Loughborough (YouTube channel)
- Rojo y Negro TV (YouTube channel)