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Tag Archives: anarchism
Fell in Love with Fire
A Documentary about the 2019 Uprising in Chile, from the CrimethInc. collective (21/10/2024). Five years in the making, this hour-long film documents the uprising that swept Chile from October 2019 to March 2020, showing how everyday people sustained six months … Continue reading
Zosia Brom: Anarchism in the Mainstream
Love, sympathy and self-sacrifice certainly play an immense part in the progressive development of our moral feelings. But it is not love and not even sympathy upon which Society is based in mankind. It is the conscience — be it … Continue reading
Simon Springer: I, Dirty Anarchist
There are essays that in a few words can sometimes capture the spirit of an idea better than any long, drawn out monograph. Simon Springer’s “I, Dirty Anarchist” (2018) is one such essay: an apology for a Tolstoian anarchism.
Anarchists on the Wave of Protest in Indonesia
From the CrimethInc. collective (23/09/2024). In August 2024, a wave of protests rocked Indonesia, ostensibly in response to political machinations aimed at anointing a successor to President Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi. Very little information has circulated about these protests in the English-speaking world. … Continue reading
Done and to be done: For a manifesto of positive anarchy
From Lundi Matin, #443 (16/09/2024), we share a text by Maria Kakogianni – a manifesto of anarchy -, which by coincidence comes in the wake of our last post, the article by Miguel Amorós, “What is anarchism?”. The contrast between … Continue reading
Miguel Amorós: What is anarchism?
From a las barricadas (02/09/2024). We share Miguel Amorós’ essay, “What is Anarchism?”, not because we are entirely in agreement with it – that has never been an exclusive criterion of selection for us -, but because of the forcefulness … Continue reading
Not just sex: Talking about Alex Comfort with Eric Laursen
From Freedom News (30/08/2024). When I discovered the Freedom Press collection of Alex Comfort’s anarchist and anti-militarist writings, I’d already known him for 15 years as the author of The Joy of Sex. This pioneering couples’ manual, which featured ‘aesthetic’/’tasteful’ illustrations … Continue reading
Colin Ward and Martin Buber: Society and the State
We return to Colin Ward through the work of Martin Buber, in parallel essays addressing the nature of and the relation between the State and Society. For both authors, the relation between the two – in Buber’s terms, the relation … Continue reading
Colin Ward: Anarchism as anarchy
The important question is … not whether anarchy is possible or not, but whether we can so enlarge the scope and influence of libertarian methods that they become the normal way in which human beings organise their society. Colin Ward, … Continue reading
Anarchism on the periphery: struggle under conditions of emigration and war
In the article that follows (from Pramen, 06/11/2024), the “introduction” closes with the following statement: “… despite any discomfort you may have in reading this, we ask you to focus on the essence of what’s written, and encourage you to … Continue reading →