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Tag Archives: technology
Giorgio Agamben: Pasiphae’s bull and technique
In the myth of Pasiphae, the woman who has an artificial cow built by Daedalus in order to mate with a bull, it is legitimate to see a paradigm of technology. In this perspective, technology appears as the device through … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: The snail’s shell
A snail, after adding a number of widening rings to the delicate structure of its shell, suddenly brings its accustomed building activities to a stop. A single additional ring would increase the size of the shell sixteen times. Instead of … Continue reading
Jacques Ellul: The necessary revolution
… man must refuse to be his role, and revolution must attack all roles. In other words … revolution acts not only against organizations, institutions, systems, and structures, but also, and concurrently, against each member of this society, his behavior, … Continue reading
Thinking through anarcho-primitivism
Thus all you small landowners, whether isolated or joined in communes, are indeed weak against those who try to enslave you—the land grabbers who are after your small plot of land and the authorities who try to take all the … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged anarchism, anarcho-primitivism, ecology, revolution, technology
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The folly of grande illusions
Once again, by way of Lundi Matin (#341, 30/05/2022), we share below the third episode of Diamant Palace, with Alain Damasio et Vinciane Despret, from Le Biais Vert (available with english language subtitles). For the first episode, click here. “A robot may not … Continue reading
Encyclopédie des Nuisances: Movement as illusion, stillness as meaninglessness (IV)
Introduction It is said that the automobile industry created and brought life to the cities, but once again official history dangerously misrepresents and distorts the facts. In reality, it is responsible for the destruction of viable human communities and emblematic … Continue reading →