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Author Archives: Enjolras Sanchez
Anarchist Federation Forming In Greece … Echoes From Another Time Across The Ocean
We are reprinting the English translation of the text announcing and providing a background to the creation of a federation of anarchist groups in Greece. The comments that follow are my own brief personal reflections on this in the context … Continue reading
jihadi collaborators
Let us not kid ourselves. Who have been the ones undermining our freedoms for as far back as one can think? It was not jihadis. It was governments, corporations, advertisers, educational systems, police, internal security, armies, religious establishments. Yet now … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Discussion, Poiesis, Uncategorized
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Collective Self-Organizing
The recent debacle of Syriza should come as no surprise. Neither should we cringe at the attempts of the right in Greece to use it for its own odious and morbid purposes. For the left of the politicians and the … Continue reading
On the Greek Elections etc
The following is not meant to be an exhaustive, well researched piece of writing. Rather, these are reflections, based on impressions, more put together on the spur of the moment, responses to a variety of ideas and words floating in … Continue reading
Re-thinking our Thinking
There is a view sometimes found among anarchists, anti-authoritarians that racism, sexism, environmental destruction can be eradicated without undermining the essential aspects of capitalism: the development of markets requires the constant expansion of the number of buyers and a certain … Continue reading
Charlie Hebdo Reaction Spectacle
The following comments are meant to situate the popular reactions to the massacre of the Charlie Hebdo within the overall defensive mechanisms our societies use to keep themselves together. To do this I will be approaching the issue in a … Continue reading
There is no god in any language
the sacred as violence against thought: god and the sacred inverted ideals of fear and helplessness are projected to the skies as a psychotic formation. religion is thought that fears itself. as weapons overcome the body, the sacred overcomes the … Continue reading
(Parliamentary) Democracy, the Modern State, Capitalism and Fascism
The article that follows makes a number of points that are worth emphasising. In a nutshell, "fascism is not a central political choice of the [modern] state". Democracy with its "consensual" style of rule (and other tools) is a much … Continue reading
Capitalism Dictator
The writer of the article that follows concludes as follows: ” For them [European governments], the important point is to keep the economic system sustainable. They see it as irrelevant what happens politically; whether, that is, there is a representative … Continue reading
Some preliminary reflections about a factory occupation: the case of VIO.ME
On July 11, 2019, I visited VIO.ME, a worker run factory located in Thessaloniki, Greece. I had the opportunity to meet with one of the workers who was able to put aside time from his busy schedule for us to … Continue reading →