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Tag Archives: Syriza
Rebellious graffiti, testimonial photography: Art against austerity in greece
Greece … is a laboratory in which the resistance of a population to authoritarian governance can be measured. Maurizio Lazzarato, Governing by Debt The task of art is not to change reality but to show and evoke it. The mimetic … Continue reading
The continuing reign of debt: Greece
As greece’s Syriza government finalises the details of a third austerity/debt repayment package with the Troika (under the threat of financial destruction from its creditors and their police), the government’s former finance minister Yanis Vaoufakis, who resigned in opposition to … Continue reading
The kratia against the demos: Lessons from greece
Our refrain becomes repetitive: capitalism cannot be reformed because a system of oppression, appropriation and exploitation cannot be fundamentally altered by state authorities that are not only beholden to it, but are an expression of it. The illusion to the … Continue reading
A blinding referendum: Voting “no” in greece
Sunday’s referendum results in greece, a “no” to the austerity measures proposed by the Eurogroup responsible for negotiating the country’s debt payments, testify to a sentiment among most of indignation and refusal of a politics that has reduced over the … Continue reading
Our responsibility to vote ‘NO’ in the Greek referendum
With the upcoming referendum in greece and in our ongoing effort to share reflections on the efforts of the Syriza government to negotiate its way through Capital and “popular” government, an impossible task in our view, we post below an … Continue reading
The happiness of Sisyphus: An interview with Tomás Ibáñez
We share below the translation of an interview with Tomás Ibañez, reflecting on the current rise, in the wake of the mass social movements of 2011, of “left-wing” political parties. The interview was originally published in the greek efsyn.gr (02/05/2015), and … Continue reading
The Greek December Revolt and its Current Relevance
We share below an excellent essay by Michail Theodosiades, reflecting on the greek revolts that began in December 2008 and their resonance in anti-authoritarian politics subsequently in greece and in europe. Whatever doubts we have regarding the analysis (an excessive … Continue reading
Syntagma, Syriza: Between the square and the palace
(Photograph by Burkhard Lahrmann) While the Syriza government of greece engages in a precarious and unequal, and finally self-defeating, wrestling match with its creditors, forced to pay its debts while seeking to meet the aspirations of its voters, it is … Continue reading
Collective Self-Organizing
The recent debacle of Syriza should come as no surprise. Neither should we cringe at the attempts of the right in Greece to use it for its own odious and morbid purposes. For the left of the politicians and the … Continue reading
The illusions of yet another “new” left: Syriza and Podemos
With national elections forthcoming in spain, and the recent election of Jeremy Corbyn to the head of the Labour Party in britain, enthusiasm for “leftwing governments” survives, even with the debacle of Syriza in greece. In one more effort at … Continue reading →