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Tag Archives: Syriza
Syriza’s first month: reflections
However modest the Syriza government’s ambitions were in matters of political economy, they have been forced back from promises by the financial and political threats of their european “partners”. The reign of financial and debt capital is so overwhelming that … Continue reading
Cracks in Syriza
The Syriza government of greece, in its negotiations with the finance ministers of the eurozone countries, is trapped in its own logic of endeavouring to simultaneously preserve capitalist social relations (guaranteeing, for example, the payment of its national debt, in … Continue reading
Syriza and social movements: Interview with AK Athens
Below, we share an interview with a greek activist from AlkaKappa Athens from InfoAut (29/01/2015), on the relationship between the Syriza government and greek radical social movements, in a further effort to explore the issues at stake in the tension … Continue reading
Syriza can’t save greece: From crimethinc.
To share: from the anarchist collective CrimethInc., a further, and excellent, reflection on the significance of the electoral victory of Syriza in greece, to further the debate and to defend, in the words of the collective, “why there’s no electoral … Continue reading
The political bestiary of capitalism: Syriza, parliamentary democracy, the welfare state, and other creatures too frightful to mention
The less than flattering history of social-democratic, socialist and communist governments is more than ample reason to be skeptical about the election of a “left wing” Syriza led government in greece; and if not, at least to suggest cautious restraint … Continue reading
On the Greek Elections etc
The following is not meant to be an exhaustive, well researched piece of writing. Rather, these are reflections, based on impressions, more put together on the spur of the moment, responses to a variety of ideas and words floating in … Continue reading
Syriza as Sisyphus: Governing by debt
If the Syriza government of greece prefers to speak of the “institutions” rather than the “troika” (a group of “experts” of the principal creditors of the country: IMF, European Central Bank, European Commission, responsible for negotiating and verifying austerity reforms … Continue reading →