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Tag Archives: Factory Okupations
In solidarity with Vio.Me: An occupied, workers’ self-managed factory
VIOME IS IN DANGER! CALL TO ACTION DURING THE INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF SOLIDARITY #defendViome For a decade now, VIOME has been the only self-managed factory in Greece, where workers control the production process. It is a node in the ongoing … Continue reading
Posted in News blog
Tagged Factory Okupations, greece, self-management, Vio.me, workers councils
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The winds of May 68 in France: The LIP factory takeover
France’s May of 1968 brought on the largest industrial strike in the history of modern capitalism. What began as a student movement quickly overflowed the walls of the universities to spread throughout french society, with hundreds of factories not only … Continue reading
Vio.Me, Greece: Creating solidarities within and beyond factory walls
In the past, we have shared, in the english language, news and reflections on the Vio.Me factory occupation-coorperative, in Thessaloniki. If the occupation remains legally precarious, Vio.Me now stands as an example in europe not only of workers’ self-management, but … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged Alternative Economies, Factory Okupations, greece, Vio.me
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Occupy, Resist, Produce: The rebellious factory okupations-cooperatives of europe
What is it to speak of alternative economies to capitalism? Wherein lies the alterity of initiatives that seek to produce beyond profit, to produce for the satisfaction of human needs? What is an anti/post capitalist production?
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Alternative Economies, cooperatives, Factory Okupations, revolution
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Vio.Me: A call for solidarity from a workers’ self-managed collective
We publish below a message from the self-managed workers collective of Vio.Me, of greece. Born of a factory occupation, the collective has been able to continue to produce in a self-managed manner for three years, an example for others who … Continue reading
Taking back labour: Workers’ resistance and factory okupations in turkey
Labour struggles of workers continually strain against the limits of legality and labour union domestication. If salaried work, as traditionally understood, is not the exclusive domain of capitalist exploitation, it nevertheless remains central. And as workers discover, at times literally … Continue reading
Taking back labour: Factory okupations in europe
The limits of workers managed factories in the midst of capitalist economic relations are well known: the inability to acquire or control resources and supplies for production, the need to continue to produce for existing markets, the need to compete … Continue reading
In solidarity with the occupied factory Vio.Me.
The two years old Vio.Me. factory occupation in Thessaloniki, greece, a radical experiment in workers self-management and community solidarity, is threatened by a court decision which risks forcing the liquidation of machinery and factory premises. If the decision goes … Continue reading
Okupying production: Kazova workers’ resistance
From Fatih Pinar, a video about the Kazova textile factory okupation in Istanbul, today a factory that continues to produce through workers' self-management. Autonomy is constructed slowly, step by unpredictable step, in a movement in which the ends and the … Continue reading
Some preliminary reflections about a factory occupation: the case of VIO.ME
On July 11, 2019, I visited VIO.ME, a worker run factory located in Thessaloniki, Greece. I had the opportunity to meet with one of the workers who was able to put aside time from his busy schedule for us to … Continue reading →