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Tag Archives: Alternative Economies
Without cooperative self-employment no future is possible
From spain, comes a manifesto in defence of creating networks of autonomous, ecological, feminist, self-managed work and consumption as the only viable political alternative to the State and Capital. A manifesto speaks for itself; it is an affirmation of presence … Continue reading
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Tagged Alternative Economies, anarchism, cooperatives, revolution, spain
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The economics and politics of the rojava revolution
From a distance, and in the absence of a knowledge of the local languages, news about the “rojava revolution” in nothern syria remains fragmentary and often contradictory. While supportive of the movement, questions and doubts remain which we are unable … Continue reading
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Tagged Alternative Economies, anarchism, cooperatives, revolution, Rojava
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Economies beyond capitalism: Anarchist reflections and practices
What is anti-capitalism? What distinguishes anarchist anti-capitalism from other “competing” social-political projects? Whatever answers are forthcoming to such questions, at the heart of any anti-capitalism is an “alternative economy”. What this in turn amounts to has been a matter of … Continue reading
Vio.Me, Greece: Creating solidarities within and beyond factory walls
In the past, we have shared, in the english language, news and reflections on the Vio.Me factory occupation-coorperative, in Thessaloniki. If the occupation remains legally precarious, Vio.Me now stands as an example in europe not only of workers’ self-management, but … Continue reading
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Tagged Alternative Economies, Factory Okupations, greece, Vio.me
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The expropriated bank la canica: The contagion of bank okupations in spain
With the earlier bank occupations of catalonia in 2014 and the struggle for the defense of the Banc Expropiat in the Gràcia neighbourhood of Barcelona in the bankground, and also in Madrid with the occupied La Bankarrota in 2015, the example continues to resonate, … Continue reading
Occupy Wall Street: Sharing reflections on a fifth anniversary (4)
… communism will be material or it will be nothing. It will be a set of immediate practices, immediate satisfactions, or nothing. If we find discipline and organization, it will come from what we do, not what we think. Research … Continue reading
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Tagged 15M, Alternative Economies, Arab Spring, capitalism, Crisis, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street
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Occupy, Resist, Produce: The rebellious factory okupations-cooperatives of europe
What is it to speak of alternative economies to capitalism? Wherein lies the alterity of initiatives that seek to produce beyond profit, to produce for the satisfaction of human needs? What is an anti/post capitalist production?
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Tagged Alternative Economies, cooperatives, Factory Okupations, revolution
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Economies of solidarity in spain: Red de Economia Alternativa y Solidaria
What would be the nature of a non/anti-capitalist economy today? What characteristics would it possess? How would production be carried out? Would only socially necessary goods be produced? And what is a socially necessary good? How would distribution be effected? … Continue reading
Autonomies in greece
La révolution socialiste vise la transformation de la société par l’action autonome des hommes, et l’instauration d’une société organisée en vue de l’autonomie de tous. Cornelius Castoriadis, L’institution imaginaire de la société Ce qui nous fait le plus défaut est … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged Alternative Economies, autonomy, greece, revolution
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Government by the economy: The invisible committee’s Now
The astonishing reality of things Is my discovery every day. Each thing is what it is, And it’s hard to explain to someone how much this makes me happy, How much it’s enough for me. If I stretch out my … Continue reading →