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Tag Archives: Strike
France: The Movement against the Pension Reform
From the CrimethInc. collective (22/03/2023) … France: The Movement against the Pension Reform – On the Threshold of an Uprising? In France, a new surge of protest activity has erupted against the government of Emmanuel Macron in response to an … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged france, insurrection, State and Capital, Strike
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Anarchy among india’s farmers: The story of an insurrection against the state
From the CrimethInc. collective (19/11/2021) … In the following report, Pranav Jeevan P1 explores the conflict between the farmers and the far-right government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the character of the movement that the farmers initiated, and the means by … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged anarchism, horizontalism, india, Indian Farmer's Strike, Strike
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A strike against/beyond borders: The march 8 feminist strike in spain
This year’s call for a global women’s strike to mark the 8th of March women’s day was expressed in protests throughout the world. But it found no greater resonance than in spain.
In solidarity: March 8 – The call for a day without women’s work
It is often forgotten that the international March 8th women’s day began with striking female factory workers. The strike, the withholding of women’s work, lies at its origins, and not the docile protests or celebrations of acquired “rights” that would … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged Angela Davis, Feminism, General Strike, LGBTQI, Silvia Federici, Strike, transfeminism
A Paris Autumn
The 12th of September marks the beginning of protests against the new (yet again!) french government’s proposed labour law reforms. Exit the socialists François Hollande and Manuel Valls, enter the golden boy, “I belong to no political party!”, politician as … Continue reading
Looking back on the united states prison strike
We have been late in sharing news of the largest prison strike in united states history. Begun last Fall, on the 45th anniversary of the Attica uprising, the strike spread to 24 states and involved over 20,000 prisoners. If the … Continue reading
The revolutionary strike: Vitoria, spain, 1976
The wave of strikes that swept through Vitoria, spain, in 1976, culminating in a city wide general strike on March the 3rd, were a revolutionary moment that sought to break with the controlled transition, after the dictator Francisco Franco’s death, … Continue reading
Taking back labour: Workers’ resistance and factory okupations in turkey
Labour struggles of workers continually strain against the limits of legality and labour union domestication. If salaried work, as traditionally understood, is not the exclusive domain of capitalist exploitation, it nevertheless remains central. And as workers discover, at times literally … Continue reading
From student strikes to social strikes: Echoes of a new québec spring
Against austerity, against the savaging of the public-state services, a commons built through decades of popular struggles against Capital, Québec students, workers, the unemployed, have called for an indefinite social strike in the province, beginning on the 21st of March, … Continue reading
The battle for Britain: the 1984-85 coal miners’ strike
In a way it is even humiliating to watch coal-miners working. It raises in you a momentary doubt about your own status as an ’intellectual’ and a superior person generally. For it isbrought home to you, at least while you … Continue reading →