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Tag Archives: Silvia Federici
Beyond the Periphery of the Skin: An Interview with Silvia Federici
Celebrating March 8, International Women’s Day … What is the “body” under capitalism? When we speak of the body, how has our sense of “self” in relation to our bodies been redefined, reduced, and mutilated under the logic of capital … Continue reading
Silvia Federici: The joyful militancy of feminism
To share, the first of a series of reflections on contemporary feminism, in interviews, essays and so on, with the eighth of March, international women’s day as a feminist strike, in the foreground. What follows is an interview with Silvia … Continue reading
Italy: Autonomist feminism
Hence we must refuse housework as women’s work, as work imposed upon us, which we never invented, which has never been paid for, in which they have forced us to cope with absurd hours, 12 and 13 a day, in … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged anti-capitalism, Feminism, Mariarosa Dalla Costa, Selma James, Silvia Federici
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Sabotaging gender, feminism and capital
We share below an essay by a friend of Autonomies, a conference paper presented at the CIEG II International Congress: Gender, Feminist and Woman’s Studies: Reflexivity, Resistance and Action (July 24-26), at the ISCSP – Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged anti-capitalism, Feminism, Giorgio Agamben, Judith Butler, Louis Althusser, Silvia Federici, suffragettes, Virginia Woolf
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In solidarity: March 8 – The call for a day without women’s work
It is often forgotten that the international March 8th women’s day began with striking female factory workers. The strike, the withholding of women’s work, lies at its origins, and not the docile protests or celebrations of acquired “rights” that would … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged Angela Davis, Feminism, General Strike, LGBTQI, Silvia Federici, Strike, transfeminism
Killing the beast in its lair: Silvia Federici and the social reproduction of capitalism
Social reproduction is a relatively recent term. In the 1970s, we spoke of it in terms of domestic work, referring to all the activities that reproduce our daily life and at the same time, in a capitalist society, also reproduce … Continue reading
Occupy Wall Street: Sharing reflections on a fifth anniversary (6)
We have begun to recognize that for our movements to work and thrive, we need to be able to socialize our experiences of grief, illness, pain, death, things that now are often relegated to the margins or the outside of … Continue reading
The Politics of the Commons: Silvia Federici
A political demand/action must be judged not only from the perspective of its goal, but also, and more fundamentally, from its capacity to generate unity and organizational potential among those who challenge and struggle against capitalism.
Italy: Autonomia (18) – Feminism: Silvia Federici
Italian autonomist Silvia Federici on wages and housework. Federici was co-founder of the International Feminist Collective, and an organizer with the wages for housework campaign. In 1973, she helped start Wages for Housework groups in the US. In 1975 she published Wages Against … Continue reading →