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Tag Archives: Occupy Wall Street
Occupy as Rupture
We share an interview with Matt Peterson, by Amogh Sahu, published with The Institute of Anarchist Studies (August 24, 2023). The decade we have left behind, the 2010s, was described by the British journalist Paul Mason as a time where … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Interview
Tagged anarchism, anti-capitalism, Occupy Wall Street, revolution, united states
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Occupy Wall Street/Occupy, ten years on
As a project, yes. Projection, planning and programming have never done anything but project what it was possible to calculate at a given moment. And consequently, they block the image of a future already hemmed in. Of course, it is … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged anarchism, David Graeber, democracy, Mark Bray, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street, united states
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For Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019)
It amazes me that people are surprised when underclasses rebel. The surprising thing is that they do not do it more often. The combination of the oppressiveness of poverty and racism and the lack of short-term, or even medium-term hope … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged Arab Spring, capitalism, Immanuel Wallterstein, May 68, Occupy Wall Street
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The Art of Occupy
The beginning spills through city veins Into the arteries And under powers poison clouds We move like the shadows Through the alley ways Through nightmares bought and sold as dreams Through barren factories Through boarded schools Through rotting fields Through … Continue reading
Occupy Wall Street: Sharing reflections on a fifth anniversary (8)
But communism is not an idea; it is a process, and the only things capable of mobilizing fidelity to it are the concrete activities of which it is composed. If we want to locate the ways forward for the blocked … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged 15M, Arab Spring, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street, revolution
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Occupy Wall Street: Sharing reflections on a fifth anniversary (7)
Theorising social movements is a hazardous adventure; even more so when these movements reject “representation”, which can be taken to include “theoretical representation”. Without anyone being able to speak “for” or “on behalf of” Occupy, for it lacks leaders or … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street
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Occupy Wall Street: Sharing reflections on a fifth anniversary (6)
We have begun to recognize that for our movements to work and thrive, we need to be able to socialize our experiences of grief, illness, pain, death, things that now are often relegated to the margins or the outside of … Continue reading
Occupy Wall Street: Sharing reflections on a fifth anniversary (5)
Peter Gelderloos (Counter Punch 14/10/2011) analyses the spanish 15M and the north american Occupy movements, drawing comparisons and contrasts. At the heart of his reading is the contention that what is, or was, most radical in both was the creation … Continue reading
Occupy Wall Street: Sharing reflections on a fifth anniversary (4)
… communism will be material or it will be nothing. It will be a set of immediate practices, immediate satisfactions, or nothing. If we find discipline and organization, it will come from what we do, not what we think. Research … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged 15M, Alternative Economies, Arab Spring, capitalism, Crisis, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street
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Reflecting on Occupy Wall Street, Thirteen Years Later
From the CrimethInc. collective (17/09/2024). Thirteen years ago, a thousand demonstrators descended on Wall Street, occupying Zuccotti Park and kicking off what came to be known as the Occupy movement. Revisiting that moment today, we can see how dramatically the … Continue reading →