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Tag Archives: Asturian Miners’ Strike
Scenes from the class struggle in spain: The Coal Miners’ Strike … and questions
“We do not struggle as working class, we struggle against being working class … . Our struggle is not the struggle of labour: it is the struggle against labour. …There is nothing good about being members of the working class, … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged 15M, Asturian Miners' Strike, spain, Spanish Revolution, Strike
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Scenes from the class struggle in spain: The Coal Miners’ Strike
The spanish state/police, in dealing with the miners' strike, does not limit itself to confronting the miners, but also their families in their neighbourhoods and in their homes. The miners' have lost their fear and it is the task of … Continue reading
Scenes from the class struggle in spain: The Coal Miners’ Strike
"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles", Marx and Engels wrote in 1848, a truth that continues to resonate to our own day, whether in the Asturias or elsewhere. The coal miners' strike of … Continue reading
Pacifying the Rebellious: The War Against the Coal Miners
With their jobs condemned to disappear, their communities to be destroyed, the coal miners' of spain struggle against the logic of capital. The manner in which they become disposable is a fate that can touch all of us. Their fight … Continue reading
La Marcha Negra de los mineros en España
On the 22 of June, coal miners from the Asturias, Castilla and León, and Aragón set off on a march on Madrid, in protest against the closing of the mines. Video and text about the strike and the march … Continue reading
Between Protest and Creation: 15M’s spain
How do we stop making capitalism? How do we free our doing from the labour by which we create and re-create a world that is killing us? John Holloway, Change the World Without Taking Power The Long … Continue reading
Posted in News blog
Tagged 15M, Asturian Miners' Strike, greece, labour, LGBT, spain, Spanish Revolution, Strike
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News from nowhere: 15M’s spain
Merely negative action inevitably engages with capital on capital’s own terms, and on capital’s terms we shall always lose, even when we win. …The problem of struggle is to move onto a different dimension from capital, not to engage with … Continue reading
Posted in News blog
Tagged 15M, Alternative Economies, Asturian Miners' Strike, spain, Spanish Revolution, Strike
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And protests rain upon the government of spain
Between the coal miners’ strike and protests, spontaneous and organised, against the spanish government’s most recent efforts to reduce spending (increase in sales tax, reduction in the salaries of civil servants, reduction in unemployment insurance, and the like, adding up … Continue reading →