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Search Results for: struggles for space
EXARCHIA: Solidarity to squats and all spaces of struggle- ASSEMBLY Announcement
From Void Network (29/08/2019) … The state and capital always attack the freedom of the social base, steal its labor and resources. In recent years we have experienced one of the most violent attacks through the massive impoverishment of people who are already … Continue reading
Miguel Amorós: Anti-capitalism as a struggle for space
A basic principle of anti-developmentalism says that a society full of capital is an urban society, which is why a society without capital must be an agrarian society. From this perspective, a liberated urban space would therefore have to be … Continue reading
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Tagged agriculture, Amedeo Bertolo, anti-capitalism, autonomy, capitalism, city, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós
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Crossing the borders of struggles: In solidarity, in memory, with the Mapuche and Santiago Maldonado
The enslavement to capitalism occurs in multiple spaces and times. If commodity production and the submission to money homogenises and deterritorialises, the reproduction of capitalist social relations distributes human populations across differential, hierarchical and conflicting geographies and histories.
Posted in Commentary, Film
Tagged anti-capitalism, argentina, capitalism, Indigenous peoples, revolution, Santiago Maldonado
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Anarchism, geography and the politics of space III: David Harvey and anarchist geography
… let radical geography be just that: radical geography, free of any particular “ism”, nothing more, nothing less. David Harvey We have little or no interest in polemics. But differences of perception, thought, forms of life, when they happen or … Continue reading
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Tagged anarchism, David Graeber, David Harvey, geography, marxism, Murray Bookchin, Simon Springer
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Anarchism, geography and the politics of space II: Simon Springer
As a political philosophy, anarchism fully appreciates the processual nature of space, where the politics of waiting—for the revolution, for the withering away of the state, for the stages of history to pass—are all rejected in favor of the realism … Continue reading
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Tagged anarchism, David Harvey, geography, insurrection, marxism, revolution, Simon Springer
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Anarchism, geography and the politics of space: An interview with Simon Springer
My view of anarchism is consequently integral, whereby I think everything is connected to everything else, not in a universalizing sense, but as a processual unfolding in the way that Doreen Massey encourages us to think about space. To eradicate fascism … Continue reading
Struggles for autonomy
The question “what is to be done?” for anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian politics often invites the suggestion that there must be a single, unequivocal answer to it, at multiple levels: ends or goals, tactics and strategies, organisations, all supposedly grounded in … Continue reading
Architecture beyond truth and falsity: Radicalising feminist interventions in the creation of spaces
Better to live in the provisional than in the definitive. Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space All dissidence, rebellion, revolution has a location, a place. The relationship between the two has been the subject of an ongoing reflection on the … Continue reading
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Tagged anarchism, Architecture, Art and Revolution, Donna Haraway, Feminism, Henri Lefebvre, LGBT, Michel Foucault, Simone de Beauvoir
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Shards of time amid spaces of rebellion
This essay is the child of an earlier reflection on time and revolution, as well as of work on the 15th of May movement in spain, Pasolini and anti-fascism, and other essays posted on Autonomies, from which it borrows generously. … Continue reading
Urban space and the transformation of society
Potentialisation is a dynamic, contingent process that transforms habits and not the restoration of an unpolluted, ontologically different beyond. Stavros Stavrides, The Potentialities of Space Commoning Worlds of commoning are worlds in movement. Stavros Stavrides, Common Space: The City as … Continue reading →