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Tag Archives: city
Miguel Amorós: Anti-capitalism as a struggle for space
A basic principle of anti-developmentalism says that a society full of capital is an urban society, which is why a society without capital must be an agrarian society. From this perspective, a liberated urban space would therefore have to be … Continue reading
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Tagged agriculture, Amedeo Bertolo, anti-capitalism, autonomy, capitalism, city, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós
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Miguel Amorós: The need for a revolutionary orientation
A revolutionary, anti-development movement must have a decolonizing orientation, it will have to be directed towards the locality, it will have to have an anti-statist, de-industrializing and autonomous orientation. That is, it must reinforce, during this phase, a horizontal, integral … Continue reading
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Tagged 15M, Amedeo Bertolo, anti-capitalism, capitalism, city, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós
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To destroy the urban
While the world of commodities is in liquidation, threatened by the implosion of all human contact and by ecological catastrophe, while young people slaughter each other and adults muddle through on psycho-pharmaceuticals, exactly what is at stake becomes clearer: … Continue reading
Finding our way in the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes with the words of Miguel Amorós
A March 2018 interview in which Miguel Amorós discusses his anti-development concepts, the global trend towards mega-urbanization, the destructive tendencies of capitalist development, Latin American populist governments and their social basis, the civil society movement, and perspectives for a movement … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: On the metropolis
Okupation, between the city and the metropolis; sharing a short reflection (generation online) by Giorgio Agamben on the politics of the metropolis against the city …
Voices from an okupation: The assembleia de occupação de Lisboa
Ongoing reflections on an okupation in Lisbon (continuing a discussion) … The essay below, which we share in translation, is by Tiago F. Duarte, a member of the Assembleia de occupação de Lisboa, a collective responsible for the recent occupation … Continue reading
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Tagged city, gentrification, occupy the city, Okupations, portugal
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The order of the urban: “Metropolis: A film”
Universal history was born in cities, and it reached maturity with the city’s decisive victory over the country. For Marx, one of the greatest revolutionary merits of the bourgeoisie was the fact that it “subjected the country to the city,” … Continue reading
Posted in Film
Tagged capitalism, city, Security State, State and terror, State terror, united states
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Nuit Debout: To live the commune – Interventions by the revolutionary erotic committee
France’s Nuit Debout movement may be the first of the post-2011 “movements of occupation” that dissipates almost entirely due to its own democratic self-delusions.
Posted in Commentary
Tagged anarchism, autonomy, city, democracy, friendship, occupy the city, revolution
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Gentrificação: A cidade como campo de apropriação, deslocação e segregação
Partilhamos uma reflexão sobre a gentrificação enquanto processo de desalojamento capitalista, de um amigo de Autonomies … No dia 14 de Junho de 1989, Bruce Bailey, activista de defesa dos direitos de inquilinos na cidade de Nova York foi assassinado, … Continue reading
Urban space and the transformation of society
Potentialisation is a dynamic, contingent process that transforms habits and not the restoration of an unpolluted, ontologically different beyond. Stavros Stavrides, The Potentialities of Space Commoning Worlds of commoning are worlds in movement. Stavros Stavrides, Common Space: The City as … Continue reading →