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Tag Archives: Maurizio Lazzarato
Shards of time amid spaces of rebellion
This essay is the child of an earlier reflection on time and revolution, as well as of work on the 15th of May movement in spain, Pasolini and anti-fascism, and other essays posted on Autonomies, from which it borrows generously. … Continue reading
Time, revolution and historical subjectivity
(Photographs by Alexey Titarenko) In revolution, everything happens incredibly quickly, just like in dreams in which people seem to be freed from gravity. Gustave Landauer, Revolution We have merely to tear down the Bastilles of the future, restructure the past … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Carl Schmitt, Friedrich Nietzsche, Giorgio Agamben, Hannah Arendt, Jacob Taubes, Maurizio Lazzarato, revolution, time, Walter Benjamin
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Rebelling against debt: examples from spain
… discourses of crises become a way to governmentally produce and manage (rather than deter) the crisis. “Crisis” becomes a perennial state of exception that turns into a rule and common sense and thus renders critical thinking and acting redundant, … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged debt, Maurizio Lazzarato, Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca, revolution, spain
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The Space and Time of Utopia
Reflections around the concept of utopia, on the 500th anniversary of Thomas Moore’s Utopia, reflections that echo earlier thoughts on the time and space of revolution. In revolution, everything happens incredibly quickly, just like in dreams in which people seem to be freed from … Continue reading →