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Tag Archives: time
The gilets jaunes: Those who walk away from capital
While the politicians and the media scrutinise the weekly accounting of the number of demonstrators with each Act of the yellow vests’ movement, closely seconded by sociologists and political scientists, the movement persists, defying all predictions. And even if it … Continue reading
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Tagged anti-capitalism, france, gilets jaunes, Giorgio Agamben, time, Walter Benjamin
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The time of revolution: Reflections with Uri Gordon
In a richly argued essay, Uri Gordon critically evaluates the notion of “prefigurative politics”, an expression that has become popular with social movements, including anarchist groups, eager to maintain the ethical unity between means and ends. What has gone unnoticed however is what … Continue reading
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Tagged anarchism, anti-capitalism, capitalism, revolution, time, Uri Gordon
Revolution imagined outside history
Utopia of a Tired Man Borges story Illustration by Federico Abuyé The chronicler, who recounts events without distinguishing between the great and small, thereby accounts for the truth, that nothing which has ever happened is to be given as … Continue reading
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Tagged anti-capitalism, capitalism, Jorge Luis Borges, revolution, time, Walter Benjamin
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Walter Benjamin: Messianism and Revolution – Theses on History
The essay that we share below, by Andrew Robinson, bears the virtue of clarity; like a collector, he assembles the bits of Walter Benjamin’s work on messianism and revolution. And yet because he writes as a collector of ideas, Benjamin’s … Continue reading
The Commodification of Moments
Reflections on the appropriation of intimacy, affectivity, of moments as commodity, from a friend of Autonomies, danny champion …
Time, revolution and historical subjectivity
(Photographs by Alexey Titarenko) In revolution, everything happens incredibly quickly, just like in dreams in which people seem to be freed from gravity. Gustave Landauer, Revolution We have merely to tear down the Bastilles of the future, restructure the past … Continue reading
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Tagged Carl Schmitt, Friedrich Nietzsche, Giorgio Agamben, Hannah Arendt, Jacob Taubes, Maurizio Lazzarato, revolution, time, Walter Benjamin
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On the desire to smash time
The consciousness of exploding the continuum of history is peculiar to the revolutionary classes in the moment of their action. The Great Revolution introduced a new calendar. The day on which the calendar started functioned as a historical time-lapse camera. … Continue reading →