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Tag Archives: Giorgio Agamben
The wind blows where it wills
A further exercise in reading events with Giorgio Agamben, this time a short reflection by Jeanne Casilas, published by lundi matin #263 (15/11/2020). The wind blows where it wills L’art est comme l’incendie, il naît de ce qui brûle/Art is … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Love has been abolished
Si è abolito l’amore Si è abolito l’amorein nome della salutepoi si abolirà la salute. Si è abolita la libertàin nome della medicinapoi si abolirà la medicina. Si è abolito Dioin nome della ragionepoi si abolirà la ragione. Si è … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Becoming faceless
Returning to our loss of face in pandemic times … A country without a face Giorgio Agamben, Quodlibet The face and the mask … although she [nature] made all other animate creatures face the earth for grazing,she made the human … Continue reading
Reading events with Giorgio Agamben
“ … All we want to do is keep the knowledge we think we will need, intact and safe. We’re not out to incite or anger anyone yet. For if we are destroyed, the knowledge is dead, perhaps for good. … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Biosecurity and politics
Sharing the continuing reflections of Giorgio Agamben on the COVID-19 pandemic …
Giorgio Agamben: A Question
A further contribution for the understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic from Giorgio Agamben. We again thank the not bored! collective for this translation. This is a text which we partially shared in an earlier post. A Question Giorgio Agamben(1) For … Continue reading
COVID-19: Translating a pandemic politically (2)
Arundhati Roy, in an eloquent article on the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in india, concludes by writing … Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Social Distancing
From the online site, Quodlibet … Where death waits for us is uncertain; let us look for him everywhere. The premeditation of death is the premeditation of liberty; he who has learned to die has unlearned to serve. Michel de Montaigne Since … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Reflections on the pest
From the online site, Quodlibet … The following thoughts are not about the epidemic, but about what we can understand from the reactions it causes in men. It is therefore a question of reflecting on how easily an entire society … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Regarding the coming time
Regarding the coming time (Quodlibet) What is happening on a planetary scale today is certainly the end of a world. But not – such as for those who seek to govern it according to their interests – in the sense … Continue reading →