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Tag Archives: crimethInc
Moments of anarchy in armenia
From the CrimethInc. Collective … High Voltage: Lessons from Four Summers of Unrest in Armenia As massive anti-corruption protests shake former socialist countries and NATO and Russia mass their troops along the border between East and West, anarchists are asking how … Continue reading
Transgressing the threshold between art and revolution
What is art and what relation there is between it and revolutionary politics, anarchism, is a uniquely modern question born of the alienating social divisions of capitalism. To address the matter fully would require a reflection well beyond our present … Continue reading
Freedom against the freedom of speech
With the expansion of neo-fascist and neo-nazi groups in the shadows of ever more racist, xenophobic and sexist “traditional” conservative right-wing political parties, confusion over the significance of the liberal freedom of speech can paralyse radical political criticism and action. … Continue reading
President Trump: Countdown to Apocalypse – From Crimethinc
After the Trump election, from CrimethInc …
The illusions/delusions of electoral politics: From Crimethinc
From the CrimethInc collective, a reflection on the pitfalls of electoral politics for radical challenges to Capital and the State, by ret marut … Could there be any better illustration of the shortcomings of representative democracy than this year’s Presidential … Continue reading
Syriza can’t save greece: From crimethinc.
To share: from the anarchist collective CrimethInc., a further, and excellent, reflection on the significance of the electoral victory of Syriza in greece, to further the debate and to defend, in the words of the collective, “why there’s no electoral … Continue reading
To change everything: An anarchist appeal
We share below a post that appeared on anarchistnews.org, regarding an initiative from the anarchist group crimetheInc to diffuse, spread, the ideas of anarchism. The written and video material are excellent and in solidarity, we reproduce the gesture.
Sharing a critique of democracy: The CrimethInc. collective in brazil
The recent posting of an audio-video of a CrimethInc. collective talk in brazil by the brazilian media collective Antimídia, is the occasion for our sharing the recording – an anarchist critique of democracy -, and to return to an older … Continue reading →