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Tag Archives: 15O
15M: A Cartography of the Spanish Revolution 39
Do bairro de Lavapies, Madrid … http://madrid.tomalaplaza.net/2011/10/07/pregon-del-grupo-de-trabajo-%E2%80%9Cokupa-tu-plaza%E2%80%9D-de-la-asamblea-popular-de-lavapies/
Posted in News blog
Tagged 15M, 15O, Arcadi Oliveres, chile, Michael Hardt, spain, Spanish Revolution, Toni Negri
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15M: A Cartography of the Spanish Revolution 36
Novas da ocupação de Wall Street, que ja vai em duas semanas, com outras cidades a viver o mesmo/News from the ocupation of Wall Street, which is now in its second week, with other cities following … https://occupywallst.org/ http://www.democracynow.org/2011/9/30/inside_occupy_wall_st_a_tour
Posted in News blog
Tagged 15M, 15O, Cornel West, greece, Occupy Wall Street, spain, Spanish Revolution
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15M: A Cartography of the Spanish Revolution 34
Entre varias acções/revindicações do 15-M, desde do inicio do movimento, tem sido impedir/acabar com os desolojamentos de pessoas das suas casas (mais de 300,000 desde 2007) … o que começou com uma tactica de auto-defesa evoluiu para uma exigencia da … Continue reading
Posted in News blog
Tagged 15M, 15O, chile, greece, italy, Juventude Sin Futuro, spain, Spanish Revolution
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15M: A Cartography of the Spanish Revolution 30
E quando pensavam que tudo tinha acabado em Espanha/and just when you thought that all was opver in Spain …
Touching Utopias: Reflections on Revolution in the Form of a Dreaming Wanderer’s Unfinished Spanish Travel Diary
…the final regime imagined by socialists cannot be fixed at a determined date by a sociological prediction; it is in the present. It is not outside us; it is in our own hearts. Socialism is being realized every day, under … Continue reading →