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Tag Archives: the spanish revolution
Forgotten Fighters: American Anarchist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War
From the The Volunteer, the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade website, an excellent article (30/08/2017), by Kenyon Zimmer, on North American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War/Revolution. Among the almost 3,000 foreign anarchists who fought in the Spanish Civil … Continue reading
A tour of the CNT positions during the Civil War
We share below an important text on the changing positions of the anarchist CNT labour union during the Spanish Civil War/Revolution, published at Alasbarricadas (11/12/2021) and published in English at Anarkismo.net (20/12/2021). [We have made only minor revisions to the … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged anarchism, anti-capitalism, CNT, revolution, spain, the spanish revolution
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Remembering Spain: Fascism, Revolution and Colonialism
The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the ‘state of emergency’ in which we live is not the exception but the rule. We must attain to a conception of history that is in keeping with this insight. Then we … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Film
Tagged anti-fascism, colonialism and anti-colonialism, morroco, spain, State terror, the spanish revolution
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1936, the revolution of those without a name
Remembering a revolution in spain, 1936 (A translation of a short commemorative-reflective text by Marc Dalmau, in El Salto Diario 18/07/2020) … The events of July 18, 19 and 20, 1936 constitute one of the most over-interpreted events in our … Continue reading
Abel Paz (1921-2009): Memories of intensity, reflections on anarchy
Life, or the memory of peoples, cannot be measured by the number of years lived, but by life’s moments of intensity. We won the revolution, what we lost was the war. The revolution consisted in the fact that the workers … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Interview
Tagged Abel Paz, anarchism, Raoul Vaneigem, revolution, the spanish revolution
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The lost images of anarchist Barcelona
From the Roarmag Collective (21/12/2019)… This post was originally published by eldiario.es. Text by Pol Pareja. Translation from Spanish by Andrew Hakes Re-discovered after 80 years, the photographic legacy of the CNT which brings the libertarian revolution in Barcelona back to … Continue reading
Murray Bookchin: The Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism
In our series dedicated to anarcho-syndicalism, we share Murray Bookchin’s critical reflections on this tradition within anarchism, in the excellent essay, “The Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism”. Whatever reservations we have regarding the direction of Bookchin’s anarchism towards a radically democratic municipalism, … Continue reading
Resisting the erasure of memory: The spanish revolution of the 18th of July 1936
For every image of the past that is not recognised by the present as one of its own concerns threatens to disappear irretrievably. … In every era the attempt must be made anew to wrest tradition away from a conformism … Continue reading
Photographs of ecstasy: The Spanish Revolution
A face of revolution, the joy of rebellion triumphant captured in the eye of a camera lens; an icon of freedom in a spain struggling against fascism through social revolution. 1936 and the fleeting image of a revolution; fleeting, yet … Continue reading
Mujeres Libres: A genealogy of anarchist feminism
Celebrating March 8, International Women’s Day … Mujeres Libres was born from a genealogy that came from the First International, but it fully flourished at a time of social revolution and civil war. Marginalised from the social revolution modeled and … Continue reading →