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Tag Archives: sudan
Support Sudanese anarchists in exile
The following is a statement collaboratively written and endorsed by anarchist organizations around the world. This statement originally appeared on Anarkismo.net and is reproduced here in full. International anarchist solidarity call Our anarchist comrades are still in Sudan and were hoping to … Continue reading
Sudan: An unfinished revolution
Reflections on the sudanese revolution (roarmag 17/08/2019) …
In solidarity with the sudan revolution
A call of solidarity from a comfortable distance may seem impotent against the violence of the repression being waged against the sudanese rebellion. And yet in our weakness, we cannot but, with words, express our desire to see the rebellion … Continue reading
Stories from the sudanese revolution
… revolutions are kept alive by stories. Ahmed Mahmoud The military coup d’état of October–November 2021 in sudan seems to have brought an end to the country’s revolution, begun in the protests of December 2019. But external observations and evaluations … Continue reading →