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Tag Archives: russian revolution
From wall to wall, the reign of capital
What’s going on here is not unification but subjugation. Heiner Müller, Der Spiegel (30/07/1990) Oh, it’s all so long ago, isn’t it? When the wall came down I was 12 years old and crazy about belongings and about the world. … Continue reading
Reimagining revolution: Amador Fernández-Savater
With the seeming proliferation and celebration of anniversaries of revolutions, “successful” or “failed”, we lose cite of the conceptual wealth and practical weight of the concept itself. The Autonomies collective has endeavoured, however modestly, to reflect upon the history and … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged 15M, Amador Fernández-Savater, anarchism, Antonio Gramsci, Feminism, François Jullien, Furio Jesi, Lapo Berti, maoism, revolution, russian revolution
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The russian revolution of 1917: Carlos Taibo
We close our series – without for a moment suggesting that this is the last word – on the russian revolution of 1917 with an interview with Carlos Taibo, author of the recent work, in spanish, Anarquismo y revolución en Rusia (1917-1921). … Continue reading
The russian revolution of 1917: Cornelius Castoriadis
The autonomous activity of the masses belongs by definition to what is repressed in history. Cornelius Castoriadis Cornelius Castoriadis’ saw in the Bolshevik seizure of power the beginning of the end of the russian revolution; an end marked by the administrative dispossession … Continue reading
The russian revolution of 1917: Rosa Luxemburg
In 1917 there were more than twelve million members of the Russian consumers’ Cooperative societies; and the Soviets themselves are a wonderful demonstration of their organising genius. Moreover, there is probably not a people in the world so well educated … Continue reading
The russian revolution of 1917: Max Nettlau
… Anarchism does not preach anything contrary to the principles which have always inspired men to strive for freedom and right. It would indeed be absurd to try and impose something new upon mankind. No! Anarchism is nothing but the … Continue reading
The russian revolution of 1917: Maria Nikiforova
The anarchists are not promising anything to anyone. The anarchists only want people to be conscious of their owns situation and seize freedom for themselves. Maria Nikiforova In memory of the many who made the russian revolution of 1917, a … Continue reading
The russian revolution of 1917: Bruno Jasienski
We think that a powerful and vigorous movement is impossible without differences — “true conformity” is possible only in the cemetery. Joseph Stalin, “Our purposes” Pravda #1, (22 January 1912) For many of those who threw themselves into the russian revolution, with … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Poiesis
Tagged Art and Revolution, bruno jasienski, futurism, russian revolution
The russian revolution of 1917: Daniel Guérin
The Russian Revolution was, in fact, a great mass movement, a wave rising from the people which passed over and submerged ideological formations. It belonged to no one, unless to the people. In so far as it was an authentic … Continue reading
In memoriam: Alexandre Skirda (1942-2020)
The dead live on, and with them, the dreams they carried. Gustav Landauer We share below the announcement and obituary of the death of the anarchist militant and historian, Alexandre Skirda, originally published with Freedom News (30/12/2020). This is followed … Continue reading →