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Tag Archives: Antonio Gramsci
Reimagining revolution: Amador Fernández-Savater
With the seeming proliferation and celebration of anniversaries of revolutions, “successful” or “failed”, we lose cite of the conceptual wealth and practical weight of the concept itself. The Autonomies collective has endeavoured, however modestly, to reflect upon the history and … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged 15M, Amador Fernández-Savater, anarchism, Antonio Gramsci, Feminism, François Jullien, Furio Jesi, Lapo Berti, maoism, revolution, russian revolution
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Anarchism: Giving form to autonomy
This post was born of an exchange of letters between John Holloway and Michael Hardt that focused on the issue of “anti-capitalist social movements” and their “organisation” and “institutionalisation”. The letters date from 2011, but their subject remains contemporary, as … Continue reading →