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Tag Archives: nicaragua
Update from nicaragua
The CrimethInc. Collective continues to provide valuable reports and analyses about events in Nicaragua …
Nicaragua: A rebellion at a crossroads
The Crimethinc collective continues to provide a precious window on events in nicaragua, for english speakers. We share below there latest article-report on the nicaraguan rebellion …
The continuing nicaraguan insurrection
Nosotros iremos hacia el sol de la libertad o hacia la muerte; y si morimos, no importa, nuestra causa seguirá viviendo. Otros nos seguirán. Augusto César Sandino News from the from the Crimethinc Collective …
Horizontalism against state rule in nicaragua’s april insurrection
We continue to share articles from the crimethInc collective (21/05/2018) on the rebellion in nicaragua …
An anarchist reading of the Nicaraguan rebellion
From the CrimethInc collective (06/05/2018)…
Women and a revolution betrayed: Nicaragua
Voices of revolutionary feminism, or of revolutions forgotten and devoured from within … Anarchists always had great difficulties with the post-WWII anti-colonial movements and “third world” revolutions. Anarchists seemed to have been left by the wayside, as literally tens, hundreds, … Continue reading →