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Tag Archives: nationalism
Europe: Between rape and racism – CrimethInc.
From the anarchist collective CrimethInc., a reflection on the collective sexual assaults on during Cologne’s new year’s eve celebrations, and more …
Rethinking Anarchism: Carlos Taibo (8)
What follows below is the 8th Chapter of Carlos Taibo’s Rethinking Anarchy: Direct Action, Self-Management, Autonomy (La Catarata, Madrid, 2013). This chapter addresses the complex relationship between anarchism, nationalism and the nation-State, as well as the issue of anarchism’s ability to … Continue reading
1915 to 2015 – A Century of Genocide
Jansem, Desolation We share below an article that was written by Devrim Valerian (09/07/2015) on the occasion of the anniversary one hundred years ago of the armenian genocide at the hands of the turkish leaders of the Ottoman Empire. However it does not … Continue reading
Off with the kilts: The scottish referendum on independence
The rose of all the world is not for me. I want for my part Only the little white rose of Scotland That smells sharp and sweet—and breaks the heart. Hugh MacDiarmid, The Little White Rose One may be forgiven … Continue reading
Infrastructure against borders
What follows is the second of a two part essay from the collective Out of the Woods, posted on Libcom.org, reflecting on refugees-migrants, climate change, the violence of border politics, anti-migrant populisms and no borders politics.