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Tag Archives: egypt
Collecting the egyptian revolution
Seven years after the beginning of the “egyptian revolution” of January 25, 2011, and against the silence, the Mosireen Collective inaugurates an online video archive of events …
Fear the everyday state: From egypt
On the fifth anniversary of the fall of Egypt’s president Mubarak, what follows is an account of the uprising, and the ebb and flow of the Egyptian revolution, from an anonymous activist in Cairo. (Posted on libcom.org).
State terror in egypt: For Giulio Regeni
On the 3rd February, the lifeless body of the italian student and journalist Giulio Regeni was found in a ditch in a peripheral neighbourhood of Cairo. It was then learned that he had been kidnapped by egyptian police on the … Continue reading
Whither the egyptian revolution?
What follows are reflections, readings, of events in egypt of the last few months, of a revolution seemingly appropriated or hijacked by military authorities. They are testimonials, but also efforts to trace, open, paths beyond seeming failure …
15M: A Cartography of the Spanish Revolution 47
O 15M em busca do mundo rural/15M in search of rural Spain …
Posted in News blog
Tagged 15M, egypt, greece, Occupy Wall Street, spain, Spanish Revolution
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For Nawal El Saadawi (1931-2021)
Writing: such has been my crime ever since I was a small child. To this day writing remains my crime. Now, although I am out of prison, I continue to live inside a prison of another sort, one without steel … Continue reading →