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Tag Archives: Catherine Malabou
Catherine Malabou: Being an Anarchist
From Ill Will (23/12/2023) … The government of man by man (under whatever name it be disguised) is oppression. Society finds its highest perfection in the union of order with anarchy. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property? (1840) The question I … Continue reading
Catherine Malabou: The Dawning Anarchy vs. Cyberanarchy
Catherine Malabou returns to the Acid Horizon Youtube channel/podcast for a second interview, on the occasion of the soon to be published English translation of her work, Au voleur! Anarchisme et philosophie. We previously shared the first interview with Acid … Continue reading
Reading war and anarchy with Sigmund Freud
The reflection that follows is driven by our own ongoing effort to understand the crises of our time, which now include the war in Ukraine, as well as being inspired by a video interview with Catherine Malabou, which we share … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged anti-militarism, Catherine Malabou, Leo Tolstoy, Sigmund Freud
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Anarchism and philosophy
Discussing anarchism and philosophy with Catherine Malabou (in french), by Lundi Matin (#343, 13/06/2022). Can we think anarchism?This Monday we wanted to know if anarchism was thinkable. We didn’t ask the question. We didn’t know that perhaps it had not … Continue reading
Catherine Malabou: Pleasure effaced; Clitoris and thought
The clitoris is an anarchist. Through translated fragments, we share the work of a writer, some few words of Catherine Malabou. We begin with a very brief summary of her essay, Le plaisir effacé: Clitoris et pensée [Pleasure erased: Clitoris … Continue reading
Catherine Malabou: There was no revolution
We learned from a recent interview with Catherine Malabou by the Lundi Matin collective (for their Lundi Soir series of video recorded interviews – see below) that she has published a new work centred on Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s essay, What is … Continue reading →