Part of our existence lies in the feelings of those near to us. This is why the experience of someone who has lived for days during which man was merely a thing in the eyes of man is non-human.
Primo Levi, If This is a Man
I know.
I know and you know, we knew,
we did not know, we
were there, after all, and not there.
Paul Celan, So Many Constellations (1963)
The paradoxical status of the camp as a space of exception must be considered. The camp is a
piece of land placed outside the normal juridical order, but it is nevertheless not simply an external space. What is excluded in the camp is, according to the etymological sense of the term “exception” (ex-capere), taken outside, included through its own exclusion. But what is first of all taken into the juridical order is the state of exception itself. Insofar as the state of exception is “willed,” it inaugurates a new juridico-political paradigm in which the norm becomes indistinguishable from the exception. The camp is thus the structure in which the state of exception – the possibility of deciding on which founds sovereign power – is realized normally. The sovereign no longer limits himself, as he did in the spirit of the Weimar constitution, to deciding on the exception on the basis of recognizing a given factual situation (danger to public safety): laying bare the inner structure of the ban that characterizes his power, he now de facto produces the situation as a consequence of his decision on the exception. This is why in the camp the quaestio iuris is, if we look carefully, no longer strictly distinguishable from the quaestio facti, and in this sense every question concerning the legality or illegality of what happened there simply makes no sense. The camp is a hybrid of law and fact in which the two terms have become indistinguishable.
Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (1995)
You see, the world has a choice, because surplus populations like the Palestinians, like refugees crossing the Mediterranean, like the poor people in the favelas and in the inner-city slums, these will either be dealt with through a genocidal project, as Israel has dealt with the Palestinians in Gaza — and this kind of response or this kind of template will become part of the military doctrine that is taught to armies across the world in dealing with these surplus populations.
Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah (in interview for Democracy Now news service – 30/12/2024)
Gaza has been described as an open air prison, a concentration camp, compared to a Nazi Jewish ghetto; it is today a death camp.
There is a horror in watching and reading the unfolding genocide in Gaza, even if from a distance; the genocide being inflicted on the Palestinians of the territory by the Israeli military, at the orders of its government, with the complicity of Israeli state institutions and the quiescence of the greater part of the Israeli population, all of which is reproduced to a greater or lesser degree at the level of the “international community”.
What words are there to adequately describe all of this? Ambition, lust for power, cynicism, greed, madness: the words of a moral language that seem to crumble to dust when extended to Gaza, for they fail as words to say what needs saying, but which defies them.
We can do little better – and it is perhaps what most needs to be done -, following Hannah Arendt, than struggle with the idea that in Gaza, what is being acted out is what she called radical evil.
It is inherent in our entire philosophic tradition that we cannot conceive of a “radical evil”, and this is true both for Christian theology, which conceded even to the Devil himself a celestial origin, as well as for Kant, the only philosopher who, in the word he coined for it, at least must have suspected the existence of this evil even though he immediately rationalized it in the concept of a
“perverted ill will” that could be explained by comprehensible motives. Therefore, we actually have nothing to fall back on in order to understand a phenomenon that nevertheless confronts us with its overpowering reality and breaks down all standards we know. There is only one thing that seems to be discernible: we may say that radical evil has emerged in connection with a system in which all men have become equally superfluous. The manipulators of this system believe in their own superfluousness as much as in that of all others, and the totalitarian murderers are all the more dangerous because they do not care if they themselves are alive or dead, if they ever lived or never were born. The danger of the corpse factories and holes of oblivion is that today, with populations and homelessness everywhere on the increase, masses of people are continuously rendered superfluous if we continue to think of our world in utilitarian terms. Political, social, and economic events everywhere are in silent conspiracy with totalitarian instruments devised to make men superfluous. … Totalitarian solutions may well survive the fall of totalitarian regimes in the form of strong temptations which will come up whenever it seems impossible to alleviate political, social, and economic misery in a manner worthy of man.
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951)
Primo Levi describes in personal terms what Arendt endeavoured to understand theoretically and ethically, in his examination for selection to the “Chemical Kommando” in Auschwitz:
Pannwitz is tall, thin, blond; he has eyes, hair and nose as all Germans ought to have them, and sits formidably behind a complicated writing-table. I, Häftling 174517, stand in his office, which is a real office, shining, clean and ordered, and I feel that I would leave a dirty stain whatever I touched.
When he finished writing, he raised his eyes and looked at me.
From that day I have thought about Doktor Pannwitz many times and in many ways. I have asked myself how he really functioned as a man; how he filled his time, outside of the Polymerization and the Indo-Germanic conscience; above all when I was once more a free man, I wanted to meet him again, not from a spirit of revenge, but merely from a personal curiosity about the human
Because that look was not one between two men; and if I had known how
completely to explain the nature of that look, which came as if across the glass
window of an aquarium between two beings who live in different worlds, I
would also have explained the essence of the great insanity of the third
One felt in that moment, in an immediate manner, what we all thought and said of the Germans. The brain which governed those blue eyes and those manicured hands said: ‘This something in front of me belongs to a species which it is obviously opportune to suppress. In this particular case, one has to first make sure that it does not contain some utilizable element.’ And in my head, like seeds in an empty pumpkin: ‘Blue eyes and fair hair are essentially wicked. No communication possible. I am a specialist in mine chemistry. I am a specialist in organic syntheses. I am a specialist…’
Primo Levi, If This is a Man (1958)
And there is the horror of powerlessness and indifference before the horror. Why does no one stop the Israeli government and its army? Who can stop them and how? The answers seem obvious, except for the fact that those with the evident power to stop the violence are complicit in it.
There remains frustrated anger, indignation, which from a distance – the distance to the ongoing horror – seems pathetic. But without wishing to offer advice – we do not -, we can read with Primo Levi the exasperation of those who desire to bring an end to the horror.
Sooner or later in life everyone discovers that perfect happiness is unrealizable, but there are few who pause to consider the antithesis: that perfect unhappiness
is equally unattainable. The obstacles preventing the realization of both these extreme states are of the same nature: they derive from our human condition which is opposed to everything infinite. Our ever-insufficient knowledge of the
future opposes it: and this is called, in the one instance, hope, and in the other,
uncertainty of the following day. The certainty of death opposes it: for it places a limit on every joy, but also on every grief. The inevitable material cares oppose it: for as they poison every lasting happiness, they equally assiduously distract us from our misfortunes and make our consciousness of them intermittent and hence supportable.
Primo Levi, If This is a Man (1958)
Against the despair of seeing the “triumph of evil”, Levi invites us to look closer, with greater care and intimacy, even at the most morally abominable of situations, to see that even here, there can be shared life.
We are not scholars of the Middle-East at Autonomies. We gather what we can, in part, from those whose profession is journalism, with all of its limitations. However, among all of the flotsam of corporate owned news media and social media, there are those whose work is worthy of great respect. Over this last year and some months, as regards Gaza and the occupied West Bank and speaking here only of English language news sources, we have turned regularly to Gideon Levy of Haaretz, Nesrine Malik of The Guardian and the remarkable work of +972 Magazine of Palestine-Israel and Democracy Now of the United States.
Below, we share in translation an excellent, opinion article by the Portuguese journalist and writer, Alexandra Lucas Coelho, published with the newspaper Público (28/12/2024). We publish her article with her generous permission.
Israel is finished. The future belongs to Palestine. The hardest truth is yet to be written
1. On the 19th of December 2023, I woke up in Jenin (northern West Bank) after yet another Israeli invasion. The streets were smashed up anew, with craters and mountains of mud, with spewing. The army had withdrawn with armoured vehicles and bulldozers, but it was still in the sky, ready to fire. We could hear the drone above our heads. Jenin is a bastion of Palestinian resistance, they call it Little Gaza. I was there for Jenin and for Gaza, where Israel had been killing journalists since 7 October, barring the entry of other journalists in a way that was unprecedented in the history of journalism.
So I could never report on what was happening at that moment in Gaza City. But that 19th of December was also the day that a man, fortunately a doctor, had to amputate his niece’s leg without anaesthetic, on the kitchen table. A bomb had blown off the lower part of her leg and she had died of a haemorrhage. Her uncle wiped the blood off with the kitchen sponge, cut it off with the kitchen knife, sewed up the artery with the sewing needle, because that’s all there was and bombs were falling outside. It was impossible to get to Al-Shifa, five minutes away; the largest hospital in Gaza, where I had been so often to learn of the wounded, as I was in Jenin hospital on the 19th of December.
A year later, I could not remember exactly where I was. I checked now, when I saw the date of that amputation in the most exhaustive report an individual has made since the 7th of October. In the latest English version, it has 124 pages and 1401 footnotes, referring to thousands of sources (institutional information, human rights organisations, traditional media, academic texts, social networks). It is called Bearing Witness to the Israel-Gaza War and it is a work written and compiled by Israeli Lee Mordechai, a historian from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who has a doctorate from Princeton. Mordechai, 42, was on sabbatical in the USA on the 7th of October. He wanted to do something, and from December he began to gather information beyond what was being seen by most people in Israel. In March 2024, the document went viral on ex-Twitter in Hebrew. Mordechai broadened the scope: to anyone who wants to know. He clarifies at the beginning: “I did not receive any payment to write this document, and I did so with a commitment to human rights, my profession and my country.” He has seen thousands of horrific images. He does not show them in the text, he provides the links. He doesn’t use words like “terrorist” or “Zionism”. He calls Hamas members “militants” or “operatives”. I read the document: it’s a clear, succinct text, mostly factual, with few adjectives. He considers the attack by Hamas and other groups on the 7th of October an atrocity; just as he considers Israel’s response to be genocide, and explains why at the end.
The Palestinians have been the great direct source of the greatest horror of our lifetime: the one that has been ongoing since the 7th of October. Anyone who follows the countless testimonies they have given us of their own holocaust, especially on Instagram, will recognise hundreds of moments in Mordechai’s report. Likewise for those who follow UN agencies and tribunals, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and many other organisations, including Israeli ones. A succession of horrors and records. Here’s a summary: a record of bombs and children killed by bombs, starvation, diarrhoea, hypothermia or other problems that would not be fatal if they were assisted. A record number of children shot in the head and chest. Record numbers of doctors and aid workers killed. a record number of licences to kill civilians per high-ranking target: 300 to 1. a record number of civilians killed with their hands in the air or white flags. A record number of arbitrary detainees, men, women and children, tortured, raped and killed in prisons (many more than at Guantanamo). A record of plastic bags for bodies, and plastic bags for pieces of meat and bones. Families with lots of plastic bags, who were sons, daughters, mothers, fathers. Almost 100 per cent of the population displaced: 2.3 million people. Destruction or razing of the vast majority of houses, schools, hospitals, mosques, buildings in general. Mass famine and epidemics. People eating grass and animal feed, and dogs eating people’s corpses. Rubbish and sewage everywhere. Lack of electricity and drinking water. Caesarean sections without anaesthetic, as well as amputations and other surgeries. Continuous and atrocious suffering for hundreds of thousands of mutilated, burnt and sick people. More than 45,000 official deaths, thousands missing, hundreds of mass graves, projections of hundreds of thousands of deaths. Not to mention the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where Hamas is not in power, and millions of other Palestinians are held hostage by a settler government that has never captured so much land, trees and animals, or killed and imprisoned so many people.
All of this has already been documented, and Mordechai compiles many examples. But perhaps the most unique part of the report, due to the fact that he is an Israeli and speaks Hebrew, is what he says about Israel, the extent to which the dehumanisation of the Palestinians has reached. And here’s the key, says Mordechai: the dehumanisation of the Palestinians is what makes this horror possible. To summarise: the vast majority of Israelis who don’t want to know the truth (the many truths beyond propaganda); who in the polls think it’s good to cleanse Gaza of Palestinians; who are against the entry of aid (and in many cases stop it, set it on fire); who above all other institutions approve of the Israeli Armed Forces, believing them to be the most moral in the world; not least because these forces are themselves the vast majority of Israelis, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters. It’s a duck-shooting army, where you can kill Palestinians out of boredom or for a post, where everyone on the ground can do as they please, as soldiers and officers who have been in Gaza can testify. These are not exceptions, they are patterns. Military personnel who turn any civilian into a terrorist, including children and babies; who act as if Gaza were a video game, plan targets using Artificial Intelligence, dedicate executions and explosions to their girlfriends (and boyfriends); who turn Palestinians into dogs; who film and post the corpse of a Palestinian being eaten by a dog, followed by a beautiful Gaza sunset; who film and post Palestinians being ironed by military vehicles, Palestinians stripped naked, tied up, blindfolded, in droves. They recite the Torah and fire a mortar at every beat: who graffiti the walls, including mosques, with insults to Islam and Jewish symbols (I photographed them in Jenin); who pose on Tinder with uniforms, weapons, war trophies, because exterminating Palestinians is sexy; who pose in Palestinian women’s lingerie in the houses they ruin, while Israeli television can, for example, promote a genocidal video in which Israeli children, with images of destruction in the background, sing about how Gaza will be razed to the ground and soon Israel will be cultivating the fields there. Indeed, one of Mordechai’s latest updates concerns the ethnic cleansing of northern Gaza in these last weeks of 2024, after a settler leader went to Gaza, escorted by soldiers, to inspect the future domains of the 500 Israeli families she says are already ready to move in.
Are there written instructions for this ethnic cleansing? For genocide? Not that we know of. This is only convenient for the leadership, as Mordechai says, in order to avoid future judgements. But there have been countless calls for the general destruction of Gaza, comparisons of the Palestinians to animals, to barbarians, to enemies of the Bible, who should be eradicated right down to the babies. At the same time, millions were spent on propaganda to destroy critics of Israel (including the UN), buy pro-Israel voices, multiply false stories. Just as the 40 beheaded babies of 7 October were false, or the mass rapes of Hamas, and reports made by the Israeli organisation that was first in the kibbutzim attacked, ZAKA, which Mordechai today considers discredited (not because what happened on the 7th of October was not atrocious, but because it was completely distorted and taken advantage of politically).
“I believe that Israel has been trying a combination of these three things: (1) to remove the Palestinians from Gaza, especially in the north; (2) to make large parts of the Strip uninhabitable, hoping that this will contribute to the previous objective; (3) to kill the people of Gaza by direct violence, starvation or the prevention of aid,” writes Mordechai when explaining why he considers it to be genocide, according to the criteria of the Geneva Convention.
Including the intent to commit it.
2. On the 7th of October 2023, I returned home from a late morning walk and picked up the phone that had been left on the kitchen counter. When I saw the news, standing there transfixed, I thought two things, neither of them rational. One was: “I’m going to buy a plane ticket.” The other is something I haven’t written publicly to this day, in the words I thought at the time: ‘Israel is finished.”
This chronicle appears a year, two months and twenty-one days after that, and that is what I still think, but today in more detail. Of course, Israel is not finished on the ground, nor do I know when it will be. What I mean is that the idea of Israel is over. Israel is now a pariah state for anyone who really wants to know what has happened since the 7th of October. Let them look at what the UN courts and agencies, the UN rapporteur for Palestine, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, hundreds of other organisations or Lee Mordechai have shown – in addition to the Palestinians themselves – since the 7th of October. And before that, since 2007, with the siege of Gaza. And before that, since 1967, when Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem (and the Golan Heights) were occupied and colonised. And before that since 1948, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes, made refugees. To this day in miserable camps in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.
The young people of the world who woke up to Israel/Palestine on the 7th of October don’t understand how it was possible for a country to be founded at the expense of a people. Much less, how it is possible for a people to be exterminated on our mobile phones, with the help of our rulers. Why a single country in the world does whatever it wants at the UN, including cutting off its legs and banning its secretary-general. Why one people seem to be worth more than any other. And why the Palestinians are worth less than Israel, America or Europe’s guilt. In a word: racism (ethnic, religious, cultural).
The idea of Israel was born in colonial Europe at the end of the 19th century; a Europe that thought it was acceptable to extract what it could from Africa or other countries, to settle there, to own them; a Europe that was partly Zionist out of love for the Jews, partly Zionist to get rid of them; a long-standing anti-Semite, for many centuries, many bonfires, many pogroms, right up to the Holocaust. And after the Holocaust – the greatest horror Europe has seen in the 20th century – the Jewish state was founded, with the lever of European guilt, so that never again, never again.
But based on what? On the destruction of another people. On the lie that it was a land without a people for a people without a land. The idea of Israel was wounded from the start by destruction and lies. And from then on it went from victory to victory, until Hamas opened the trapdoor into which Israel crashed.
Hamas defeated Israel on the 7th of October. With a massacre of mostly civilians, just as pre-Israel Zionist militias were terrorists, and many other movements have resorted to terrorism without being reducible to this. Hamas has been strengthened by the corruption of the Palestinian Authority, by the advantage it has given Israel to have this enemy and by the shameful incapacity of the international community. Hamas members tortured my translator and friend W., but before that I had no illusions about Hamas. It is however simply a mistake to summarise it as terrorist.
Israeli society experienced its greatest ever trauma on the 7th of October. And the people who lead it today saw this as a great opportunity to complete the Nakba of 1948, the Naksa of 1967. That’s what Netanyahu has been doing, with his settler ministers, Jewish supremacists, the active collaboration of many sectors of society, the inability of any opposition, the acquiescence of a majority of Israelis. And then the Lebanese front opened up, with Hezbollah, and the Syrian front, with the fall of Assad; all opportunities. Expansion, conquest; in reality, self-destruction: the downward spiral through the trapdoor.
The Israelis will not recover as a country from what they did, what they saw, and what they didn’t do and didn’t want to see. A sick society, increasingly incapable of recognizing others. The illusion of an ethno-religious bubble, seeing anti-Semitism everywhere, from the UN to the Pope, from Ireland to Amnesty International. Validated because the world tried to destroy it. And it tried.
Israel lost the world. The sinister Saudi Arabia may well come and sign an agreement of normalisation; they are fine with each other. The same holds for the other sinister Arab regimes, all of which, since 1947, have been executioners of their own people and others. Executioners of the Palestinians. Adding the sinister Iran: there is no democracy in the Middle East.
There is no future in a State founded on the dehumanisation of others. The beginning of Israel was already the end of Israel. October 7th generated definitive dehumanisation. The future is Palestine’s or it won’t be. No longer, after 76 years. Palestine lost the world for 76 years, but now Gaza is the world. And for young people, such as Greta Thunberg, it is associated with the very fight for life on Earth.
And it will be useless for the guardians of the Two States legend to come up with the bogeyman that this pushes the Jews into the sea. I want the Jews free from Israel. I want Jews free. I want the Palestinians free. Everyone free, from the river to the sea. Everyone free: there is no other morality. Or: it will never be for everyone.
3. A month from now, on the 27th of January 2025, Netanyahu will not attend the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz because he is afraid of being arrested for crimes against humanity. A few days ago, in Haaretz, Gideon Levy summarised the mind-boggling symbolism of this. It would be good if Netanyahu were arrested now, but he is right not to go: Auschwitz does not deserve the man who has been presiding over Auschwitz-now-live since the 7th of October. One child is killed every hour.
And here we come to the last part of this text. The most difficult truth is yet to be written because, while the horror has never been exposed as it has been since the 7th of October, there is still a long way to go. And it will be about all of us: the extent of the human abyss.
This horror would not be possible without the millions and the bombs from the USA. Biden is a war criminal. Along with Scholz, Ursula, and most of the EU (with three or four countries making up the difference). The world that allows a people to be exterminated in the name of God, and still considers itself religious. But God is not to blame, only humans are really. President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Prime Minister Luís Montenegro, Foreign Minister Paulo Rangel, and other ministers [of Portugal]: will they continue to be complicit in a genocide? When will we have sanctions against Israel? When will they have the courage to face up to the closure of the Israeli embassy in Lisbon? When will they demand that Israelis who want to be Portuguese prove that they were not involved in this genocide? And what are they going to do when their children or grandchildren ask them what they did against this?
Lee Mordechai is a witness to it. Everyone can testify to the same since the 7th of October. This is not just about Israel and Palestine. It is about us.
Gaza as extermination camp
Part of our existence lies in the feelings of those near to us. This is why the experience of someone who has lived for days during which man was merely a thing in the eyes of man is non-human.
Primo Levi, If This is a Man
I know.
I know and you know, we knew,
we did not know, we
were there, after all, and not there.
Paul Celan, So Many Constellations (1963)
The paradoxical status of the camp as a space of exception must be considered. The camp is a
piece of land placed outside the normal juridical order, but it is nevertheless not simply an external space. What is excluded in the camp is, according to the etymological sense of the term “exception” (ex-capere), taken outside, included through its own exclusion. But what is first of all taken into the juridical order is the state of exception itself. Insofar as the state of exception is “willed,” it inaugurates a new juridico-political paradigm in which the norm becomes indistinguishable from the exception. The camp is thus the structure in which the state of exception – the possibility of deciding on which founds sovereign power – is realized normally. The sovereign no longer limits himself, as he did in the spirit of the Weimar constitution, to deciding on the exception on the basis of recognizing a given factual situation (danger to public safety): laying bare the inner structure of the ban that characterizes his power, he now de facto produces the situation as a consequence of his decision on the exception. This is why in the camp the quaestio iuris is, if we look carefully, no longer strictly distinguishable from the quaestio facti, and in this sense every question concerning the legality or illegality of what happened there simply makes no sense. The camp is a hybrid of law and fact in which the two terms have become indistinguishable.
Giorgio Agamben, Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (1995)
You see, the world has a choice, because surplus populations like the Palestinians, like refugees crossing the Mediterranean, like the poor people in the favelas and in the inner-city slums, these will either be dealt with through a genocidal project, as Israel has dealt with the Palestinians in Gaza — and this kind of response or this kind of template will become part of the military doctrine that is taught to armies across the world in dealing with these surplus populations.
Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah (in interview for Democracy Now news service – 30/12/2024)
Gaza has been described as an open air prison, a concentration camp, compared to a Nazi Jewish ghetto; it is today a death camp.
There is a horror in watching and reading the unfolding genocide in Gaza, even if from a distance; the genocide being inflicted on the Palestinians of the territory by the Israeli military, at the orders of its government, with the complicity of Israeli state institutions and the quiescence of the greater part of the Israeli population, all of which is reproduced to a greater or lesser degree at the level of the “international community”.
What words are there to adequately describe all of this? Ambition, lust for power, cynicism, greed, madness: the words of a moral language that seem to crumble to dust when extended to Gaza, for they fail as words to say what needs saying, but which defies them.
We can do little better – and it is perhaps what most needs to be done -, following Hannah Arendt, than struggle with the idea that in Gaza, what is being acted out is what she called radical evil.
Primo Levi describes in personal terms what Arendt endeavoured to understand theoretically and ethically, in his examination for selection to the “Chemical Kommando” in Auschwitz:
And there is the horror of powerlessness and indifference before the horror. Why does no one stop the Israeli government and its army? Who can stop them and how? The answers seem obvious, except for the fact that those with the evident power to stop the violence are complicit in it.
There remains frustrated anger, indignation, which from a distance – the distance to the ongoing horror – seems pathetic. But without wishing to offer advice – we do not -, we can read with Primo Levi the exasperation of those who desire to bring an end to the horror.
Against the despair of seeing the “triumph of evil”, Levi invites us to look closer, with greater care and intimacy, even at the most morally abominable of situations, to see that even here, there can be shared life.
We are not scholars of the Middle-East at Autonomies. We gather what we can, in part, from those whose profession is journalism, with all of its limitations. However, among all of the flotsam of corporate owned news media and social media, there are those whose work is worthy of great respect. Over this last year and some months, as regards Gaza and the occupied West Bank and speaking here only of English language news sources, we have turned regularly to Gideon Levy of Haaretz, Nesrine Malik of The Guardian and the remarkable work of +972 Magazine of Palestine-Israel and Democracy Now of the United States.
Below, we share in translation an excellent, opinion article by the Portuguese journalist and writer, Alexandra Lucas Coelho, published with the newspaper Público (28/12/2024). We publish her article with her generous permission.
Israel is finished. The future belongs to Palestine. The hardest truth is yet to be written
1. On the 19th of December 2023, I woke up in Jenin (northern West Bank) after yet another Israeli invasion. The streets were smashed up anew, with craters and mountains of mud, with spewing. The army had withdrawn with armoured vehicles and bulldozers, but it was still in the sky, ready to fire. We could hear the drone above our heads. Jenin is a bastion of Palestinian resistance, they call it Little Gaza. I was there for Jenin and for Gaza, where Israel had been killing journalists since 7 October, barring the entry of other journalists in a way that was unprecedented in the history of journalism.
So I could never report on what was happening at that moment in Gaza City. But that 19th of December was also the day that a man, fortunately a doctor, had to amputate his niece’s leg without anaesthetic, on the kitchen table. A bomb had blown off the lower part of her leg and she had died of a haemorrhage. Her uncle wiped the blood off with the kitchen sponge, cut it off with the kitchen knife, sewed up the artery with the sewing needle, because that’s all there was and bombs were falling outside. It was impossible to get to Al-Shifa, five minutes away; the largest hospital in Gaza, where I had been so often to learn of the wounded, as I was in Jenin hospital on the 19th of December.
A year later, I could not remember exactly where I was. I checked now, when I saw the date of that amputation in the most exhaustive report an individual has made since the 7th of October. In the latest English version, it has 124 pages and 1401 footnotes, referring to thousands of sources (institutional information, human rights organisations, traditional media, academic texts, social networks). It is called Bearing Witness to the Israel-Gaza War and it is a work written and compiled by Israeli Lee Mordechai, a historian from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who has a doctorate from Princeton. Mordechai, 42, was on sabbatical in the USA on the 7th of October. He wanted to do something, and from December he began to gather information beyond what was being seen by most people in Israel. In March 2024, the document went viral on ex-Twitter in Hebrew. Mordechai broadened the scope: to anyone who wants to know. He clarifies at the beginning: “I did not receive any payment to write this document, and I did so with a commitment to human rights, my profession and my country.” He has seen thousands of horrific images. He does not show them in the text, he provides the links. He doesn’t use words like “terrorist” or “Zionism”. He calls Hamas members “militants” or “operatives”. I read the document: it’s a clear, succinct text, mostly factual, with few adjectives. He considers the attack by Hamas and other groups on the 7th of October an atrocity; just as he considers Israel’s response to be genocide, and explains why at the end.
The Palestinians have been the great direct source of the greatest horror of our lifetime: the one that has been ongoing since the 7th of October. Anyone who follows the countless testimonies they have given us of their own holocaust, especially on Instagram, will recognise hundreds of moments in Mordechai’s report. Likewise for those who follow UN agencies and tribunals, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and many other organisations, including Israeli ones. A succession of horrors and records. Here’s a summary: a record of bombs and children killed by bombs, starvation, diarrhoea, hypothermia or other problems that would not be fatal if they were assisted. A record number of children shot in the head and chest. Record numbers of doctors and aid workers killed. a record number of licences to kill civilians per high-ranking target: 300 to 1. a record number of civilians killed with their hands in the air or white flags. A record number of arbitrary detainees, men, women and children, tortured, raped and killed in prisons (many more than at Guantanamo). A record of plastic bags for bodies, and plastic bags for pieces of meat and bones. Families with lots of plastic bags, who were sons, daughters, mothers, fathers. Almost 100 per cent of the population displaced: 2.3 million people. Destruction or razing of the vast majority of houses, schools, hospitals, mosques, buildings in general. Mass famine and epidemics. People eating grass and animal feed, and dogs eating people’s corpses. Rubbish and sewage everywhere. Lack of electricity and drinking water. Caesarean sections without anaesthetic, as well as amputations and other surgeries. Continuous and atrocious suffering for hundreds of thousands of mutilated, burnt and sick people. More than 45,000 official deaths, thousands missing, hundreds of mass graves, projections of hundreds of thousands of deaths. Not to mention the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where Hamas is not in power, and millions of other Palestinians are held hostage by a settler government that has never captured so much land, trees and animals, or killed and imprisoned so many people.
All of this has already been documented, and Mordechai compiles many examples. But perhaps the most unique part of the report, due to the fact that he is an Israeli and speaks Hebrew, is what he says about Israel, the extent to which the dehumanisation of the Palestinians has reached. And here’s the key, says Mordechai: the dehumanisation of the Palestinians is what makes this horror possible. To summarise: the vast majority of Israelis who don’t want to know the truth (the many truths beyond propaganda); who in the polls think it’s good to cleanse Gaza of Palestinians; who are against the entry of aid (and in many cases stop it, set it on fire); who above all other institutions approve of the Israeli Armed Forces, believing them to be the most moral in the world; not least because these forces are themselves the vast majority of Israelis, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters. It’s a duck-shooting army, where you can kill Palestinians out of boredom or for a post, where everyone on the ground can do as they please, as soldiers and officers who have been in Gaza can testify. These are not exceptions, they are patterns. Military personnel who turn any civilian into a terrorist, including children and babies; who act as if Gaza were a video game, plan targets using Artificial Intelligence, dedicate executions and explosions to their girlfriends (and boyfriends); who turn Palestinians into dogs; who film and post the corpse of a Palestinian being eaten by a dog, followed by a beautiful Gaza sunset; who film and post Palestinians being ironed by military vehicles, Palestinians stripped naked, tied up, blindfolded, in droves. They recite the Torah and fire a mortar at every beat: who graffiti the walls, including mosques, with insults to Islam and Jewish symbols (I photographed them in Jenin); who pose on Tinder with uniforms, weapons, war trophies, because exterminating Palestinians is sexy; who pose in Palestinian women’s lingerie in the houses they ruin, while Israeli television can, for example, promote a genocidal video in which Israeli children, with images of destruction in the background, sing about how Gaza will be razed to the ground and soon Israel will be cultivating the fields there. Indeed, one of Mordechai’s latest updates concerns the ethnic cleansing of northern Gaza in these last weeks of 2024, after a settler leader went to Gaza, escorted by soldiers, to inspect the future domains of the 500 Israeli families she says are already ready to move in.
Are there written instructions for this ethnic cleansing? For genocide? Not that we know of. This is only convenient for the leadership, as Mordechai says, in order to avoid future judgements. But there have been countless calls for the general destruction of Gaza, comparisons of the Palestinians to animals, to barbarians, to enemies of the Bible, who should be eradicated right down to the babies. At the same time, millions were spent on propaganda to destroy critics of Israel (including the UN), buy pro-Israel voices, multiply false stories. Just as the 40 beheaded babies of 7 October were false, or the mass rapes of Hamas, and reports made by the Israeli organisation that was first in the kibbutzim attacked, ZAKA, which Mordechai today considers discredited (not because what happened on the 7th of October was not atrocious, but because it was completely distorted and taken advantage of politically).
“I believe that Israel has been trying a combination of these three things: (1) to remove the Palestinians from Gaza, especially in the north; (2) to make large parts of the Strip uninhabitable, hoping that this will contribute to the previous objective; (3) to kill the people of Gaza by direct violence, starvation or the prevention of aid,” writes Mordechai when explaining why he considers it to be genocide, according to the criteria of the Geneva Convention.
Including the intent to commit it.
2. On the 7th of October 2023, I returned home from a late morning walk and picked up the phone that had been left on the kitchen counter. When I saw the news, standing there transfixed, I thought two things, neither of them rational. One was: “I’m going to buy a plane ticket.” The other is something I haven’t written publicly to this day, in the words I thought at the time: ‘Israel is finished.”
This chronicle appears a year, two months and twenty-one days after that, and that is what I still think, but today in more detail. Of course, Israel is not finished on the ground, nor do I know when it will be. What I mean is that the idea of Israel is over. Israel is now a pariah state for anyone who really wants to know what has happened since the 7th of October. Let them look at what the UN courts and agencies, the UN rapporteur for Palestine, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, hundreds of other organisations or Lee Mordechai have shown – in addition to the Palestinians themselves – since the 7th of October. And before that, since 2007, with the siege of Gaza. And before that, since 1967, when Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem (and the Golan Heights) were occupied and colonised. And before that since 1948, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes, made refugees. To this day in miserable camps in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.
The young people of the world who woke up to Israel/Palestine on the 7th of October don’t understand how it was possible for a country to be founded at the expense of a people. Much less, how it is possible for a people to be exterminated on our mobile phones, with the help of our rulers. Why a single country in the world does whatever it wants at the UN, including cutting off its legs and banning its secretary-general. Why one people seem to be worth more than any other. And why the Palestinians are worth less than Israel, America or Europe’s guilt. In a word: racism (ethnic, religious, cultural).
The idea of Israel was born in colonial Europe at the end of the 19th century; a Europe that thought it was acceptable to extract what it could from Africa or other countries, to settle there, to own them; a Europe that was partly Zionist out of love for the Jews, partly Zionist to get rid of them; a long-standing anti-Semite, for many centuries, many bonfires, many pogroms, right up to the Holocaust. And after the Holocaust – the greatest horror Europe has seen in the 20th century – the Jewish state was founded, with the lever of European guilt, so that never again, never again.
But based on what? On the destruction of another people. On the lie that it was a land without a people for a people without a land. The idea of Israel was wounded from the start by destruction and lies. And from then on it went from victory to victory, until Hamas opened the trapdoor into which Israel crashed.
Hamas defeated Israel on the 7th of October. With a massacre of mostly civilians, just as pre-Israel Zionist militias were terrorists, and many other movements have resorted to terrorism without being reducible to this. Hamas has been strengthened by the corruption of the Palestinian Authority, by the advantage it has given Israel to have this enemy and by the shameful incapacity of the international community. Hamas members tortured my translator and friend W., but before that I had no illusions about Hamas. It is however simply a mistake to summarise it as terrorist.
Israeli society experienced its greatest ever trauma on the 7th of October. And the people who lead it today saw this as a great opportunity to complete the Nakba of 1948, the Naksa of 1967. That’s what Netanyahu has been doing, with his settler ministers, Jewish supremacists, the active collaboration of many sectors of society, the inability of any opposition, the acquiescence of a majority of Israelis. And then the Lebanese front opened up, with Hezbollah, and the Syrian front, with the fall of Assad; all opportunities. Expansion, conquest; in reality, self-destruction: the downward spiral through the trapdoor.
The Israelis will not recover as a country from what they did, what they saw, and what they didn’t do and didn’t want to see. A sick society, increasingly incapable of recognizing others. The illusion of an ethno-religious bubble, seeing anti-Semitism everywhere, from the UN to the Pope, from Ireland to Amnesty International. Validated because the world tried to destroy it. And it tried.
Israel lost the world. The sinister Saudi Arabia may well come and sign an agreement of normalisation; they are fine with each other. The same holds for the other sinister Arab regimes, all of which, since 1947, have been executioners of their own people and others. Executioners of the Palestinians. Adding the sinister Iran: there is no democracy in the Middle East.
There is no future in a State founded on the dehumanisation of others. The beginning of Israel was already the end of Israel. October 7th generated definitive dehumanisation. The future is Palestine’s or it won’t be. No longer, after 76 years. Palestine lost the world for 76 years, but now Gaza is the world. And for young people, such as Greta Thunberg, it is associated with the very fight for life on Earth.
And it will be useless for the guardians of the Two States legend to come up with the bogeyman that this pushes the Jews into the sea. I want the Jews free from Israel. I want Jews free. I want the Palestinians free. Everyone free, from the river to the sea. Everyone free: there is no other morality. Or: it will never be for everyone.
3. A month from now, on the 27th of January 2025, Netanyahu will not attend the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz because he is afraid of being arrested for crimes against humanity. A few days ago, in Haaretz, Gideon Levy summarised the mind-boggling symbolism of this. It would be good if Netanyahu were arrested now, but he is right not to go: Auschwitz does not deserve the man who has been presiding over Auschwitz-now-live since the 7th of October. One child is killed every hour.
And here we come to the last part of this text. The most difficult truth is yet to be written because, while the horror has never been exposed as it has been since the 7th of October, there is still a long way to go. And it will be about all of us: the extent of the human abyss.
This horror would not be possible without the millions and the bombs from the USA. Biden is a war criminal. Along with Scholz, Ursula, and most of the EU (with three or four countries making up the difference). The world that allows a people to be exterminated in the name of God, and still considers itself religious. But God is not to blame, only humans are really. President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Prime Minister Luís Montenegro, Foreign Minister Paulo Rangel, and other ministers [of Portugal]: will they continue to be complicit in a genocide? When will we have sanctions against Israel? When will they have the courage to face up to the closure of the Israeli embassy in Lisbon? When will they demand that Israelis who want to be Portuguese prove that they were not involved in this genocide? And what are they going to do when their children or grandchildren ask them what they did against this?
Lee Mordechai is a witness to it. Everyone can testify to the same since the 7th of October. This is not just about Israel and Palestine. It is about us.