The folly of grande illusions

Once again, by way of Lundi Matin (#341, 30/05/2022), we share below the third episode of Diamant Palace, with Alain Damasio et Vinciane Despret, from Le Biais Vert (available with english language subtitles). For the first episode, click here.

“A robot may not injure a human being” is the first law of robotics formulated by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. At what moment can it be stated that a technical development can hurt us, do us harm? Is it still synonymous with human, ecological and social progress? What is the worldview of the handful of people who control the tech industries? Is the machine still seen as a tool for human use or does it now develop itself for itself, according to its own logic? Will technologies save us from the climate disaster? On the 1310th day of occupation of the Diamant Palace, the pirate radio questions the place of technologies in our contemporary societies and projects itself into the future. Meanwhile, in the techno-chapel, spied on by the portraits of the new great tech gurus, Alain and Vinciane are building a Kapla tower.

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