Morir un poco/To die a little

To be obliged to work will always be to die a little. To enrich others, to obey disgusting bosses, to run so as not to be late, to pretend to smile, to receive starvation wages: everything kills. To lose moments of love and pleasure, of leisure and creativity, and to forget the capacity to imagine totally different mornings is the sentence to which we are condemned by the masters of all times and colours. To be an exemplary worker and to endure without saying a word will never be a sign of pride. We will not be happy slaves. We want to win ourselves back, we demand Life. And if something has to die, let it be the order of exploitation that oppresses us.

Well-being and freedom!

Anarchists in Temuco (Chile)

May 1st, 2014


I know few texts – none? – that better portray the condition of our daily life. … What do I see behind these lines? I see, above all, a frank response to one of the inumerable expressions of voluntary servitude. We end up believing in the incredible, and we think, at the same time, and against all reason, that working gives us unlimited pleasure. As if a subsistence wage or, in some cases, the income that allows us to acquire what we do not need, filled us with happiness. In between, as is well known, something far greater is felt, that the former opens onto and makes possible: compliance with hierarchy and exploitation, understood as two innate features of the human species. And we can perceive how the memory of life that at some point – presumably – made us happy has disappeared. Good for the Temuco anarchists.

Carlos Taibo, Nuevo Desorden

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