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Tag Archives: Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky: US Military Escalation Against Russia Would Have No Victors
An interview with Noam Chomsky, by C.J. Polychroniou for Truthout (o1/03/2022). Russia’s invasion of Ukraine took much of the world by surprise. It is an unprovoked and unjustified attack that will go down in history as one of the major … Continue reading
Noam Chomsky: An interview on afghanistan, china, climate change and anarchism
We share below an interview for the danish magazine Eftertryk with Poyâ Pâkzâd and Benjamin Magnusson in October 2021. The interview has also been published by Jacobin magazine and the conversation is also available on youtube (see below). …
Afghanistan: Readings of the fall of a political regime
Without sufficient knowledge of events on the ground, or of the broader context (historical, social, economic, geo-political, etc.), we share three texts on the recent Taliban overthrow of the U.S.A.-NATO regime in Kabul, with the aim of navigating beyond the … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged afghanistan, colonialism and anti-colonialism, Noam Chomsky, Tariq Ali, Vijay Prashad
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Noam Chomsky: Requiem for the American Dream
Four years of filmed interviews with Noam Chomsky, on the politics and economics of the “neoliberal” united states of america, an america of obscene inequality and oligarchic rule … Disagreements aside, we share the documentary “Requiem for the American Dream”, … Continue reading
Noam Chomsky: The Israel/Palestine Conflict
Interviews with Noam Chomsky on the Israel/Palestine Conflict …