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Tag Archives: Marinaleda
15M: A Cartography of the Spanish Revolution 75
Ainda Valência … lições para o movimento/Still Valencia … lessons for the movement … http://madrilonia.org/2012/02/aprendizajes-sobre-la-primaveravalenciana/ http://periodismohumano.com/sociedad/educacion/protestas-por-la-actuacion-policial-contra-menores-en-valencia.html
Posted in News blog
Tagged "The Take", 15M, Genova, Marinaleda, spain, Spanish Revolution
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Paths to utopia in andalusia: Marinaleda
The Left must position itself as much to the Left as possible and therefore it has the need to aspire to Utopia, understood not as a chimera, but as the right that people have to dream, and by means of … Continue reading →