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Tag Archives: democracy
Reflections around an anniversary: 15M spain and beyond (2)
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of spain’s 15th of May movement, we publish a series of reflections on its significance within the context of spain, but also more broadly, for the understanding of revolutionary politics today. This series … Continue reading
Nuit Debout: At the banquet of intellectuals
Revolution is not ‘showing’ life to people, but making them live. A revolutionary organization must always remember that its objective is not getting its adherents to listen to convincing talks by expert leaders, but getting them to speak for themselves, … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Alain Badiou, autonomy, Chantal Mouffe, democracy, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Miguel Benasayag, Nuit Debout, rebellion, revolution
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Nuit Debout: Reading an occupation
The principal function of politics is the configuration of its proper space. It is to disclose the world of its subjects and its operations. Jacques Rancière, Ten Theses on Politics The occupation of the Place de la Republique of Paris by “Nuit … Continue reading
The anarchist critique of democracy (5): CrimethInc.
The anarchist collective CrimethInc. initiated last month a critical analysis and discussion of “democracy”, promising a series of reflections. The series gains in significance with events in france around the movement Nuit Debout. What follows is the fifth essay, Occupy: … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged anarchism, autonomy, democracy, Occupy Wall Street, united states
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Nuit Debout: What next and how?
We need to keep open not only our ways of thinking, but also the related methods of organising, the tactics, techniques and technologies we use – it’s a constant battle to ward off institutionalisation. That sense of openness and movement … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged democracy, france, Giorgio Agamben, Nuit Debout, revolution
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The anarchist critique of democracy (4): CrimethInc.
The anarchist collective CrimethInc. initiated last month a critical analysis and discussion of “democracy”, promising a series of reflections. What follows is the fourth essay, Destination Anarchy! , preceded by the introduction to the series and an introduction to the essay. … Continue reading
The anarchist critique of democracy (3): CrimethInc.
The anarchist collective CrimethInc. initiated last month a critical analysis and discussion of “democracy”, promising a series of reflections. What follows is the third essay, From 15M to Podemos, , preceded by the introduction to the series and an introduction … Continue reading
The anarchist critique of democracy (2): CrimethInc.
The anarchist collective CrimethInc. initiated this month a critical analysis and discussion of “democracy”, promising a series of reflections. What follows is the second essay, From Democracy to Freedom, preceded by the introduction to the series and an introduction to … Continue reading
The anarchist critique of democracy (1): CrimethInc.
The anarchist collective CrimethInc. initiated this month a critical analysis and discussion of “democracy”, promising a series of reflections, the first of which we help to diffuse below. Preceding it is the introduction to the series …
Reflections around an anniversary: 15M spain and beyond (3)
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of spain’s 15th of May movement, we publish a series of reflections on its significance within the context of spain, but also more broadly, for the understanding of revolutionary politics today. This series … Continue reading →