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Tag Archives: Beatriz Preciado
Paul B. Preciado: Identity in transit
From Paul B. Preciado (Liberation 27/05/2016 – in translation), reflections on the radicalness of trans and migrant “identities”, identities that must be refused as fixed identities, identities that are rather lines of flight that put into question, contend with, mechanisms … Continue reading
Paul Beatriz Preciado: Feminism beyond humanism, ecology beyond the environment
We share a text by Paul Beatriz Preciado, in translation, that was originally published in the french newspaper Liberation (26/09/2014): a critical reflection on feminism and more broadly on what Preciado calls “animalism” …
The courage of being one’s self: Beatriz Preciado
(Photograph by Joel Peter Witkin) The following is a translation of a text by Beatriz Preciado that originally appeared in the french newspaper Libération (21/11/2014) and was written on the occasion of a debate on courage organised by the festival … Continue reading
The revolution as trans/queer
(poster by Javi Larrauri) … only those who find themselves in opposition to the institutionalised Norm can play a fully critical role. In other words, only feminist self-consciousness and homosexual awareness [29] can give life to a vision of the … Continue reading
The rebellion of bodies: Beatriz Preciado
We have all been injured, profoundly. We require regeneration, not rebirth, and the possibilities for our reconstitution include the utopian dream of the hope for a monstrous world without gender. Donna Haraway, A Manifesto for Cyborgs What is … Continue reading
The shifting territories of the body
But what is a body? … For Spinoza, the individuality of a body is defined by the following: it’s when a certain composite or complex relation (I insist on that point, quite composite, very complex) of movement and rest is … Continue reading →