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Category Archives: Film
Patricio Guzmán’s “La batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo sin armas”
Each government is supported by the armed men, ready to execute its will by force, – the class of people, raised to kill everybody who their superiors order to kill. They are the police and, primarily, the army. The army … Continue reading
For Jean-Louis Trintignant (1930-2022)
It is rare that we would celebrate the work of a film actor, not however because we disparage their art, but for the intimacy between the cinematographic art and entertainment which renders this artist’s art suspect. This is perhaps unfair. … Continue reading
Posted in Film, News blog, Poiesis
Tagged Art and Revolution, Jean-Louis Trintignant
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Travis Wilkerson: An Injury to One (film)
It may be said that the “working class”, in political struggles throughout the emergence and expansion of capitalism, was epochal. We use the word here in its ancient Greek sense. The Greek word epokhe meant “stoppage, fixed point of time,” from epekhein “to … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Film
Tagged anarcho-syndicalism, anti-capitalism, Frank Little, I.W.W., labour, Travis Wilkerson
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Viva l’anarchia: Lina Wertmüller (1928-2021)
In grotesque realism… the bodily element is deeply positive. It is presented not in a private, egoistic form, severed from other spheres of life, but as something universal, representing all the people. As such it is opposed to severance from … Continue reading
Posted in Film, News blog
Tagged anarchism, anarchist film, Art and Revolution, Lina Wertmüller
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Remembering Spain: Fascism, Revolution and Colonialism
The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the ‘state of emergency’ in which we live is not the exception but the rule. We must attain to a conception of history that is in keeping with this insight. Then we … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Film
Tagged anti-fascism, colonialism and anti-colonialism, morroco, spain, State terror, the spanish revolution
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Thinking politics from Sergei Loznitsa’s “State Funeral”
A revolution’s most important works of art are the men produced by it. New fiery souls are seen to arise from the explosion of new life that cleaves the convulsed world, like anthems that fill the air with clamours of … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, Film
Tagged Boris Groys, Communism, revolution, russian revolution, Sergei Loznitsa, Soren Kierkegaard, State and terror, State terror
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The Paris Commune: The Animated Engravings of a Revolution
In an extraordinary cinematographic labour, Raphaël Meyssan adapted the three volumes of his eponymous graphic novel, for which he had collected hundreds of engravings in newspapers and books of the time. From this patient quest for archives – eight years … Continue reading
The Paris Commune: In film
The Paris Commune of 1871 will have a life well beyond the historical events that mark the moment, politically, but also in various forms of artistic-political expression. The examples are many (music, poetry, literature, and so on), but in this … Continue reading
Tunisia: Rebellions, past and present
News and reflections from Tunisia shared with the CrimethInc. collective (09/02/2021) and a video called “Ten“, a record of some of the many voices of Tunisia’s rebellions produced by the Nawaat news magazine … Ten – Ten years after Tunisia’s … Continue reading
Jean-Luc Godard by Jean-Luc Godard
For Jean-Luc Godard … Nous n’avons jamais prétendu que l’art puisse changer la nature et la qualité des choses, faire du crime une vertu, rendre moralement bon ce qui est moralement mauvais. Nous disons que l’art, en tant qu’art, est … Continue reading →