From lundimatin, #406, December 4, 2023.
KAPT’AL is not a God
It is a principle
It spreads like light or water or wind
And it expands
KAPT’AL progresses
It hollows, splits and intrudes
It breaks, perforates, dives and tacks
It skirts, embraces and roots itself
It carries, transports, deports, displaces, modifies
It convinces, seduces, lays itself down and grounds itself
Day becomes night
It twists, crushes
Separates, segments, distances
Flattens mountains to fill oceans
It melts the stones
It kills, extracts the blood and marrow of every being
It transforms, plunders, produces, proposes
It dries up and bribes, it floods and forages
It replaces water with air, deviates, grants
It plays with the elements
It doesn’t think, it acts
And makes everything it corrupts act
In its image, in its own way
KAPT’AL appeared in the form of an idea
Itself the fruit of a dark dream
Where everything would be endless,
Useless and terrible, absurd
Death without reason, abject suffering
And nothing against it,
Neither dike nor help
Abandonment, sad fate, misery the only horizon
Pure loss
Irresistible song of nothing
So from an impatient impulsive worried neuron
A first tremor
And KAPT’AL was spat out like bad phlegm
KAPT’AL was born inside
In the human brain fertilized with its seed
A first and neural network
Which would quickly extend to others
By sensitive or reasoned contagion
A strong or gentle push
Coercion, threats, showroom, sales arguments
The network has become a body, it has taken possession
Things, beings, of matter, of landscapes
The network in the head
Made themselves paths on the water, the earth and in the air
The network has become everything and everything has become a network
KAPT’AL feeds on every seed of anxiety
It occupies every lack
Meets all expectations
The void is its milieu
It assures, reassures
It enchants tomorrows, guarantees, warns
Constantly renews proposals and goals
And makes every absence an opportunity
This is how it grows, expands, spreads, wins
KAPT’AL is monstrous but it knows how to hide itself
It is a hollow, a void, a nothingness
A hiccup, a hole
A nothing that takes itself for the whole
It has only its own growth as its sole logic
To the detriment of each being, each element, each desire
It doesn’t think
It spreads
It advances
It continues against all odds
And it massacres and conquers, annihilates
And when there’s nothing left but itself
It will defeat itself
It will finally absorb itself
And silence will reign
Because it is a black hole
KAPT’AL is the dark dream of a lost animal
Who wanted one day to enjoy the feeling of mastery over
The course of its life, the course of its time, the course of its dreams
And to see the world finally obey it
No longer having to endure but constrain
To bend
To order
Putting an end to all of its mysteries
No longer to suffer, to enjoy
To prohibit access to anything that hurts
Anaesthetic, analgesic ramparts, walls,
Anxiolytics, entertainment, pleasure,
All this is KAPT’AL
KAPT’AL is cunning
It renders its host ingenious, cunning, inventive
It gives rise to discoveries, conquests, challenges, technical progress
Hyperbolic acrobatics, seaplane rockets
Mergers and acquisitions
Miraculous healings
Explorations of distant territories
Accelerated speed, compass, binoculars,
Reverse molecule adrenaline shots
It tames and enslaves
It dominates, it stuffs itself and vomits its flood of new plans
It cables, organises, harvests,
It scrapes and dynamites,
Without limit
It makes everything explode
It is permanent fireworks
A beat that intensifies
It eats, swallows, shits and starts again
Sitting on its domains
Its throne
Its supports
Its unique sound,
KAPT’AL has no language
It doesn’t know how to speak
And all speech fails to justify it
It is a numbers operation
Algebraic analysis
Parabolic curves
Classes, order, novelty,
Graphs, equations, algorithms,
Models, mathematical rules,
Percentages, ratios, margins, points, trends,
Projections, forecasts, the future,
And this is reassuring
KAPT’AL loves you
It loves who you are and everything you do
It is interested in you
The master makes the slave
Your servitude believes in it
What it wants is you, your joy and your happiness
You, regardless of who you are
You profit
From where you are
Without effort or very little thanks to it
That you profit,
Enjoy and profit
It offers you the pleasure that it persuaded you to claim
You believe you have the right to it
You who abandon everything
Be free to adore everything it submits to you
Without restraint
Submit yourself
And KAPT’AL grows
KAPT’AL is not matter
It needs a body, a face, an option,
A transitional object
A vague substance to feel,
Which can circulate, store, fill, discharge
A shape in the void
A concrete image
Something that fits in the hand
A piece of paper
KAPT’AL is not outside
KAPT’AL is not in front
It is inside that it operates and launches its dendrites
It acquires ventricles, organs, alveoli,
Kidneys, cell diverticula,
Retinas, papillae, nerve endings
It deploys its influence,
An impression, a warmth, a desire
A horizon of days
A taste and an appetite at your fingertips,
At hand
It makes bodies move, morning, noon and evening
Carried by its impulse
And you don’t see anything anymore
Except what it projects in you
You are its cinema screen
You see yourself in its film inside you
Its web is your brain
It is the conductor and the instrument and the music
The music and the forgetting of everything that is not it
You no longer know how to dream, to think
You no longer imagine anything but its images
Comfort, pleasure, assurances, projects
You live by and for it in you
Possessing every fibre of your flesh
It is a mycelium
Your moments belong to it
Its empire clutches
Your body
KAPT’AL loves you
It loves those who are close to you
It loves your age, your family, your solitude, your friends
It loves babies, old people, active people, creative people
It loves the sick and the dying
It loves those who are dependent,
The free spirits, the drivers, the leaders
It loves the idle, the explorers, the philosophers
It loves researchers, engineers, executives
It loves order, peace, trade and war
It loves destruction and rebuilding and new destruction
It loves your commitments, your hobbies, your children
It loves your travel plans, your trips,
Your curiosity, your dreams, your needs
It loves your body and its needs
It loves your businesses, your home
Your clothes, your decor, your tastes and your colours
It loves to see you tinkering, making, repainting, sewing,
going off to get some wood, going off to buy some books
It loves that you love animals and defend them
It loves that you love to eat meat,
That you are abstinent, vegan, pro-hunting, anti-imperialist
It loves the fact that you transform yourself,
That you work on yourself,
That you gather with your fellows
It loves your opinions, the black ones, the red ones, the green ones
It loves it when you argue and try to get rid of it
For whatever you do
Every day at the checkout
You will honour it
You will pay it its due, your offering, your right to exist
Stockings, bread, the cinema, the seaside,
Bicycling, walking poles, bureaucracy, photos,
To eat, to love, to go out, to connect
Don’t be alone, Don’t be nothing
Publish your opinions, redo the pergola
Train yourself for a change of scenery
Discover something new, learn a job, change activity
It will provide you with everything for your baby
And for your old parents, orange juice and biscuits,
Attentive care
It will accompany you
Until the cremation
It’s all organised
All you have to do is pay
KAPT’AL takes and lavishes,
Pumps, vacuums,
Inspires and motivates
Claws and heals, hurts and relieves,
Entertains, stages, in perspective, opens,
Promises, Promotes, Programmes,
Suggests in soft words,
Reduces distances,
Narrows, delimits,
Rejects, throws, exhausts,
Offers you a lifetime on a silver platter
It fills the rubbish bins
KAPT’AL wants you to want
A house, children
To realise your work realised
To do something with your life
A purpose, a meaning, a destiny
To undertake, to risk, to put yourself at risk, to surpass yourself,
To climb mountains
To explore chasms
KAPT’AL supports you,
Encourages you, impels you
It provides everything you need
Connections, networks,
Food, materials, spaces, tools, brushes,
Energy, computers, screens,
Paper, colours, scaffolding
At your disposal
For you your projects
You have to build yourself well
Give shape to your time
Sculpt the hours at least
Look like yourself
And die with the feeling of duty accomplished
Under the firmament that it itself embroidered, the cluster [la grappe] is reunited. It is the fire, a flicker, a secret song that animates every shadow of the night. The cluster is united, surrounds nothingness and tonight it challenges it. Osha aka nim mimmo oka. The cluster sings and makes the earth ring and the bones ring. It is the night of the present. It is the response to time, to trials, to dangers, to the multiple terrors, to the senselessness that reigns over the days, to death and madness, to fear and astonishment, to the wind of darkness, to its abysses, to the faults, to the cries, to the howls, to the oblivion, to the unfathomable mystery, to the loss. Sounds, sounds, rhythms and steps. Osha aka nim mimmo. The cluster is all that surrounds it; it owns nothing, it understands nothing, it abandons itself, crossed by the song that the night breathes into it. Oka oka mimmo ssah nim. It vibrates. The cluster knows well that nothing belongs to it, that it is only movement, an improvised provisional dance, a hallucinatory flash; it delivers itself free, free of its chains, of its gift to the night of the present. The cluster speaks to infinity, like it, infinite; it communicates in caresses over the skin of the universe. And the world resonates. Mimm nima ssah osha ki ossa. The cluster thus binds/grounds itself. And tomorrow there will be new paths, mountains, valleys, rivers, with, in the heart of the memory of that night, a wordless knowledge that the cluster taught itself. With eyes wide open, it walks, breathes, abandons itself to the course of the day, to the arms of the night; it rubs shoulders and blends in, brushes against; it is the world, its witness, its friend. It owns nothing, has nothing to exchange. It Shares.
Léo Morange
Le Trion,
November 2023