The Stonewall riots and Pride at 50

From the Working Class History collective, two excellent podcast episodes on the Stonewall riots and radical gay politics of the time and today. A further contribution to radicalising pride.

Summer 2019 marks 50 years since the iconic rebellion against the police raid of the Stonewall Inn in New York City. The LGBTQ patrons and locals, many of them people of colour, and most of them working class, fought back against the police in 6 days of rioting. Then they organised, revolutionising the LGBTQ rights movement, and sparking Pride.

In honour of Pride month, WCH are releasing a series of episodes about LGBTQ history. We begin with a double episode telling the story of the Stonewall rebellion, in the words of participants.

After the rebellion, participants in it, along with others, set up the Gay Liberation Front, and then organised a protest on its first anniversary, 28 June 1970, which became Pride.

Our patreon supporters can listen to both parts now, as well as a bonus episode. You can support our work and listen now at

They are part of our new wave of episodes we are spending a lot more time on. We are doing this for all of 2019, but we will only be able to keep spending this amount of time beyond this point if we get more support from you, our listeners on patreon, so do please consider supporting us if you can. If you can’t, no problem, please just share our episodes on social media! (

  • Part 1
  • Part 2
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