La liberté consiste à faire tout ce que permet la longueur de la chaîne.
François Cavanna
François Cavanna, journalist, writer, artist, used the pen of satire and irony against all the "cons" that his times brought forward. And for many, the newspapers Hara-Kiri and Charlie-Hebdo, which he helped to found turned ridicule into “fine”/revolutionary art. With the likes of Topor, Gébé, Cabu, Reiser and Wolinski as libertarian mates, an irrepressible and rebellious expression gained form that would echo and contribute to so much of the radical politics of France throughout the 1960s and 70s. Cavanna died on the 29th of January, at the age of 90, but we still laugh with him.
Examples of covers of Hara-Kiri …
A report from Hara-Kiri …