Capitalism is a system that exists in and through excess, the excess of production, profits, consumption and their corollary, waste, the waste of nature's wealth, the waste of human creativity and the waste of consumption. How do we stop making capitalism, in the midst of all this? Comida Basura is an example that comes to us from Madrid, but it is not unique to this city. The aim fundamentally is to demonstrate that it is possible to live from the food waste of capitalism, from the food of its' trash. This is not understood as a radical action in itself by the group involved (El Invernadero de Lavapies), but is rather seen as a social experiment that destabilises/shatters common opinion and invites reflection on a society that can create and perpetuate so much misery in the midst of so much abundance. What is called freegan is an act of liberating food, of recycling and sharing, of enacting and showing other possibilities of living …
The Manifesto …
Comida Basura
Comidas populares y modos de organizarse basados en los alimentos reciclados.
Comida Basura es una plataforma para reunir a todas aquellas personas que estén interesadas en el movimiento freegan, que quieran alimentarse colectiva y lúdicamente del despilfarro de alimentos de la sociedad de consumo.
La comida no se tira.
Con la comida no se juega.
La comida no es un producto de consumo, es una necesidad básica.
Experimentación y debate sobre el despilfarro y la especulación de alimentos.
Concienciación pública y visualización social sobre despilfarro alimentario.
Identificación de zonas verdes de recogida. Producción colectiva de un mapping de zonas verdes de recogida de alimentos freegan en la ciudad de Madrid.
Organización de comandos de barrio recicladores de alimentos.
Recogida de alimentos. Desde rebuscar en la basura (dumpster diving) de supermercados, hasta pedir comida que van a tirar de mercados, tiendas de barrio, restaurantes….
Cocinar y comer alimentos reciclados. Reuniones en espacios públicos, para la recopilación de alimentos rescatados de la basura. Cenas y fiestas populares.
Gleaning or the bloody joys of capitalism
Capitalism is a system that exists in and through excess, the excess of production, profits, consumption and their corollary, waste, the waste of nature's wealth, the waste of human creativity and the waste of consumption. How do we stop making capitalism, in the midst of all this? Comida Basura is an example that comes to us from Madrid, but it is not unique to this city. The aim fundamentally is to demonstrate that it is possible to live from the food waste of capitalism, from the food of its' trash. This is not understood as a radical action in itself by the group involved (El Invernadero de Lavapies), but is rather seen as a social experiment that destabilises/shatters common opinion and invites reflection on a society that can create and perpetuate so much misery in the midst of so much abundance. What is called freegan is an act of liberating food, of recycling and sharing, of enacting and showing other possibilities of living …
The Manifesto …
Comida Basura
Comidas populares y modos de organizarse basados en los alimentos reciclados.
Comida Basura es una plataforma para reunir a todas aquellas personas que estén interesadas en el movimiento freegan, que quieran alimentarse colectiva y lúdicamente del despilfarro de alimentos de la sociedad de consumo.
Comida Basura
An example of the wonders to be found …