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Tag Archives: Eduardo Colombo
Miguel Amorós: The period of decline
Capitalism, in the late stage of globalization, has abolished all communitarian bonds, autonomous cultures, sociability, collective practices, group identities, etc., stripping individuals of any direct and profound relation with their kind and their environment, and instead setting them at odds. … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Amedeo Bertolo, capitalism, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós, State and terror
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Jaime Semprun: The abyss repopulates itself
Among the things that people do not want to hear, and that they do not want to see, when in reality they are displayed right before their eyes, are the following: the fact that all the technological improvements that … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Amedeo Bertolo, capitalism, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós, Tomás Ibáñez
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Jaime Semprun: For a ruthless criticism of all that exists
In all the representations disseminated by catastrophism, in the way they are elaborated as well as in the conclusions they inspire, we see above all an astonishing accumulation of denials of reality. The most obvious is the one that … Continue reading →