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Search Results for: operation pandora
Operación Piñata: The police hunt for anarchists in spain continues
Spanish authorities have again targeted anarchists, arresting 13 on the grounds of belonging to criminal organisations with terrorist aims and 25 others for resisting the police. Early morning, on the 30th of March, on orders from the Juzgado Central … Continue reading
Syriza can’t save greece: From crimethinc.
To share: from the anarchist collective CrimethInc., a further, and excellent, reflection on the significance of the electoral victory of Syriza in greece, to further the debate and to defend, in the words of the collective, “why there’s no electoral … Continue reading
Forms of politics: Anarchism and organisation
S’organiser n’a jamais voulu dire s’affiler à la même organisation. S’organiser, c’est agir d’après une perception commune, à quelque niveau que ce soit. Dormir, se battre, manger, se soigner, faire la fête, conspirer, débattre, relèvent d’un seul movement vital. La … Continue reading
The Strategy of Separation
The main takeaway is this: if we find at the core of the French Revolution — “mother to all of us,” as Kropotkin says — the main currents of the later revolutionary movement, first and foremost the libertarian and the … Continue reading
For Mike Davis (1946-2022)
I’m a fatalistic Celt, and I have the example of my mother and older sister, who died like Russian soldiers at Stalingrad. Thanks to California’s aid-in-dying law, I have control over the final act. But I guess what I think … Continue reading
With Pablo Hasél
With the arrest and incarceration of the rapper Pablo Hasél on Tuesday (16/02/2021) by the spanish authorities for the crimes of offending the crown and promoting terrorism under the country’s law on public security (Ley Orgánica de protección de la … Continue reading
Catalonia: Trapped between nationalisms
The problems of Catalonia are talked about too often. What problems of Catalonia? In Catalonia there is no problem; the only problem that could have arisen in Catalonia is posed by us; but the problem that is posed by us … Continue reading
To bring down prisons
What is the real basis of punishment, however? The notion of a free will, the idea that man is at all times a free agent for good or evil; if he chooses the latter, he must be made to … Continue reading
15M: From legacy to future
Spain’s 15th of May movement of 2011 marks a shift in ways of thinking and doing politics, or to borrow Amador Fernández-Savater’s expression, a shift in desire.
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged 15M, autonomy, Carlos Taibo, Okupations, revolution
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Scenes from the class struggle in spain: The prohibition and repression of dissent
On the 15th of June of 2011, a large protest was organised by the popular assemblies of 15M Barcelona, born during the occupation of Plaza de Catalunya, to peacefully “block” the proceedings of the the Parliament of Catalonia, and so disturb … Continue reading →