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Search Results for: can vies
Forms of politics: Anarchism and organisation
S’organiser n’a jamais voulu dire s’affiler à la même organisation. S’organiser, c’est agir d’après une perception commune, à quelque niveau que ce soit. Dormir, se battre, manger, se soigner, faire la fête, conspirer, débattre, relèvent d’un seul movement vital. La … Continue reading
Visions of pandora in spain: Anarchist protests
… contre-insurrection, de doctrine militaire, est devenue principe de gouvernement. comité invisible, A nos amis In one possible interpretation of the mythic figure of Pandora, she is not the harbinger/carrier of evil, but rather a source of gifts to humanity, a … Continue reading
Tomás Ibáñez: “One never takes power, it is power which takes us”
On the occasion of the publication of Tomás Ibáñez’ book, Anarquismo es movimiento, we republish below, in translation, an interview with him that appeared in La Marea (29/06/2014): a reading of contemporary anarchism.
Scenes from the class war in spain: okupation and resistance
Social movements form around problems. We don’t mean this in a simple functionalist fashion, as if there is a pre-existent problem which then produces a social movement that, in turn, forces the state or capital to respond and solve the … Continue reading
Taking the banks in Catalonia
Croire au monde, c’est aussi bien susciter des événements même petits qui échappent au contrôle, ou fait naitre de nouveaux espaces-temps, même de surface ou de volume réduits. … C’est au niveau de chaque tentative que se jugent la capacité … Continue reading
15Ms spain: the struggles of okupation …
Madrid15M is the newspaper of the neighbourhood and popular assemblies of the city associated with the movement. This common, public space serves to share expereinces, give example and contribute to create the plurality that is this movement. What follows is … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary, News blog
Tagged 15M, Iaioflautas, Okupations, spain, Spanish Revolution, Tiqqun
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James Baldwin: Sonny’s Blues
For, while the tale of how we suffer, and how we are delighted, and how we may triumph is never new, it always must be heard. There isn’t any other tale to tell, it’s the only light we’ve got in … Continue reading
The Whitening of European Jews and the Misuse of Holocaust Memory
In the aftermath of the Holocaust and the formation of Israel, Jews’ position in the Global North transformed from racialized minority into fully white members of “Judeo-Christian” society. As Gilbert Achcar shows in this essay, however, this assimilation into “super whiteness” … Continue reading
From Apoyo Mutuo: Towards popular power
In solidarity with Apoyo Mutuo, the Madrid based initiative to “organise” anarchist and libertarian actions across different collectives, groups and sensibilities (one of many that today mark the country’s political landscape – e.g. Procés Embat in catalonia, more recently, Aunar … Continue reading →