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Search Results for: stavros stavrides
After Syntagma: Stavros Stavrides
What follows is a partial translation of a presentation made by the architect and greek activist Stavros Stavrides in CSO Patio Marvillas of Madrid, the transcription of which done by Eva García y Beatriz García of the Observatorio Metropolitano de … Continue reading
Urban space and the transformation of society
Potentialisation is a dynamic, contingent process that transforms habits and not the restoration of an unpolluted, ontologically different beyond. Stavros Stavrides, The Potentialities of Space Commoning Worlds of commoning are worlds in movement. Stavros Stavrides, Common Space: The City as … Continue reading
Creating autonomies in greece: Voices from the capitalist wilderness
Theodoros Karyotis’ essay “The Right to the City in an Age of Austerity”, focusing on greek urban-political struggles in the period of 2008 and after, allows us to conceive of what a radical politics might look like beyond the indigenous-capitalist … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged autonomy, Communism, greece, occupy the city, revolution, Stavros Stavrides, Theodoros Karyotis
Syntagma, Syriza: Between the square and the palace
(Photograph by Burkhard Lahrmann) While the Syriza government of greece engages in a precarious and unequal, and finally self-defeating, wrestling match with its creditors, forced to pay its debts while seeking to meet the aspirations of its voters, it is … Continue reading
In solidarity with the occupied factory Vio.Me.
The two years old Vio.Me. factory occupation in Thessaloniki, greece, a radical experiment in workers self-management and community solidarity, is threatened by a court decision which risks forcing the liquidation of machinery and factory premises. If the decision goes … Continue reading
Can Vies: The resonances of an okupation
…we need to abandon the view of autonomy that fantasizes uncontaminated enclaves of emancipation. Stavros Stavrides For over a week, thousands protested the eviction and partial destruction of the Can Vies Self-managed Social Centre in Barcelona, in the Centre’s neighbourhood … Continue reading
It is necessary to create autonomous spaces: Carlos Taibo
The Ego of autonomy is not the absolute self, the monad cleaning and polishing its external-internal surface in order to eliminate the impurities resulting from contact with others. It is the active and lucid agency that constantly reorganzes its contents, … Continue reading
To destroy the urban
While the world of commodities is in liquidation, threatened by the implosion of all human contact and by ecological catastrophe, while young people slaughter each other and adults muddle through on psycho-pharmaceuticals, exactly what is at stake becomes clearer: … Continue reading
Autonomy as threshold spatiality: Stavros Stavrides
Stavros Stavrides’ work on political autonomy in our contemporary crises governed cities, illuminated by an experience and knowledge of protest and rebellion in Athens since 2008, is of considerable significance. In the wake of the square occupation movements of our … Continue reading →