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Search Results for: rojava
Resistance is life: A Call to stand with the people of Rojava
(Call in other Languages: German Catalan Spanish) After the widespread bombing campaigns by the fascist Turkish state in October and December, once again, Turkish bombs and rockets are destroying critical infrastructure in North-East Syria. Well-documented war crimes are evident for everyone to see. … Continue reading
Rojava: In defence of a revolution
The news has come, Erdogan’s turkish army has begun its offensive against north-eastern syria, against the Rojava Revolution, which threatens not only his authoritarian rule, but that of the whole middle east. Whatever doubts or hesitations one may have regarding … Continue reading
Resistance in Rojava
From the CrimethInc. Collective (07/10/2019) … The Nationalists and the Jihadists Together: And Against Them, Only Autonomous Resistance Trump’s betrayal of Rojava shows the symbiotic relationship between far-right nationalist tyrants like Donald Trump and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and … Continue reading
In solidarity with Rojava: A call for boycotts
From roarmag (12/09/2019) …
The threat to Rojava: An anarchist reading
From the Crimethinc. Collective …
Sleep Now in the Fire: Rojava, Iran, and Tunisia
Events outrun our capacity to record, reflect upon and share. Taking our cue from the It’s Going Down collective, we recall events in rojava, iran, and tunisia …
The economics and politics of the rojava revolution
From a distance, and in the absence of a knowledge of the local languages, news about the “rojava revolution” in nothern syria remains fragmentary and often contradictory. While supportive of the movement, questions and doubts remain which we are unable … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Alternative Economies, anarchism, cooperatives, revolution, Rojava
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Testimonials from a revolution in Rojava
The Autonomies Collective has assumed no open position on the “Rojava Revolution” for reasons of ignorance. In the absence of consistent information on what is happening in the region, as well as its complexity, we have abstained from judging or … Continue reading
Leïla Al-Shami: “The future of Syria will be decided by the Syrians and nobody else”
An interview with Leïla al-Shami, from Lundi Matin #456, 16/12/2024. Leïla al-Shami and Robin Yassin-Kassab are the authors of Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War, an important book in which they recounted the early years of the revolution and … Continue reading
The stakes in Rojava: Murdering a revolution
As Rojava becomes the front line of inter-state conflict (the Guardian), it is the destruction of the revolution created and fought for on this land that is the objective of the military interventions. A reflection on the stakes of events … Continue reading →