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Search Results for: giorgio agamben
Giorgio Agamben: Conjuncture and revolution
Conjuncture and revolution It is a fact on which we should never tire of reflecting that one of the key terms in our political vocabulary – “revolution” – has been taken from astronomy, where it designates the movement of a … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: The number of the murdered
The number of the murdered It is necessary to meditate again and again on the passage in Revelation (6:9-11) where we read: “When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Labour and life
From Quodlibet (24/12/2024). One often hears the Italian Constitution praised because it has made work its foundation.[1] Yet not only the etymology of the term (labour designates an agonising punishment and suffering in Latin), but also its use as a … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: The exile and the citizen
It is good to reflect on a phenomenon that is both familiar and unfamiliar to us, but which, as often occurs in such cases, can provide us with useful indications for our life among others: exile. Legal historians continue to … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: The End of Judaism
One cannot understand the meaning of what is taking place in Israel today if one does not understand that Zionism constitutes a double negation of the historical reality of Judaism. Not only does it in fact transfer to the Jews … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Science and Happiness
In spite of the usefulness we think we derive from them, the sciences cannot make us happy, because man is a speaking being, who needs to express in words joy and pain, pleasure and affliction, while science, in the last … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Pasiphae’s bull and technique
In the myth of Pasiphae, the woman who has an artificial cow built by Daedalus in order to mate with a bull, it is legitimate to see a paradigm of technology. In this perspective, technology appears as the device through … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: The snail’s shell
A snail, after adding a number of widening rings to the delicate structure of its shell, suddenly brings its accustomed building activities to a stop. A single additional ring would increase the size of the shell sixteen times. Instead of … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: God, man, animal
From Quodlibet … When Nietzsche, almost one hundred and fifty years ago, formulated his diagnosis of the death of God, he thought that this unprecedented event would fundamentally change the existence of men on earth. ““Where are we headed? Are … Continue reading
Giorgio Agamben: Good and Evil
The old doctrine that evil is merely the deprivation of the good, and therefore does not exist in itself, needs to be corrected and supplemented in the sense that it is not so much the deprivation as the perversion of … Continue reading →