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Search Results for: Miguel Amorós
Miguel Amorós: Anti-developmentalism: what it is and what it wants
A 2014 restatement of the meaning of “anti-developmentalism” by the Spanish activist and author, Miguel Amorós, which he defines as the new form of the “modern class struggle”. Anti-developmentalism: What It Is and What It Wants In one respect, anti-developmentalism … Continue reading
Miguel Amorós: What is anarchism?
From a las barricadas (02/09/2024). We share Miguel Amorós’ essay, “What is Anarchism?”, not because we are entirely in agreement with it – that has never been an exclusive criterion of selection for us -, but because of the forcefulness … Continue reading
Miguel Amorós: The new clothes of capitalist developmentalism
We share an intervention by Miguel Amorós in current ecology debates, from talks on 12 May 2019 at the book exchange fair in L’Orxa (Alicante) and on 18 May at the Biblioteca Social El Rebrot Bord, Albaida (Valencia). More significantly, … Continue reading
Miguel Amorós: The trials of critical theory
Ah, reason, solemnity, mastering of emotions, this really dismal thing called reflection, all these privileges and splendours man has: what a price had to be paid for them! how much blood and horror lies at the basis of all ‘good … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Amedeo Bertolo, anti-capitalism, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós
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Miguel Amorós: The seductions of “History”
How foolish it would be to suppose that one only needs to point out the origin and this misty shroud of delusion in order to destroy the world that counts for real, so-called “reality.” We can destroy only as creators. – But let us … Continue reading
Miguel Amorós: Anti-developmentalism as class struggle
The world of the commodity is no longer susceptible to self-management. It is impossible to humanize it: it must first be dismantled. … Self-defense against the terrorism of the commodity and the State assumes the form of both an … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Amedeo Bertolo, anti-capitalism, anti-developmentalism, ecology, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós
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Miguel Amorós: Between capitalism and anti-capitalism – the struggle for territory (2)
For us, nature is not a pre-social fact, but a product of culture and history, a space defined by an eminently rural sense of time, which is why we shall employ the word “territory” when referring to it. Similarly, by … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Amedeo Bertolo, anti-capitalism, capitalism, ecology, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós
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Miguel Amorós: Between capitalism and anti-capitalism – the struggle for territory (1)
It is revolutionary to know how to make a loaf of bread, but it is also revolutionary to know how to make a barricade. Its segregation as well as its resistance do not have the goal of its isolated survival … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged Amedeo Bertolo, anti-capitalism, capitalism, ecology, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós
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Miguel Amorós: Anti-capitalism as a struggle for space
A basic principle of anti-developmentalism says that a society full of capital is an urban society, which is why a society without capital must be an agrarian society. From this perspective, a liberated urban space would therefore have to be … Continue reading
Posted in Commentary
Tagged agriculture, Amedeo Bertolo, anti-capitalism, autonomy, capitalism, city, Eduardo Colombo, Jaime Semprun, Miguel Amorós
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Miguel Amorós: The likely causes of the rise of the extreme right in the capitalist world
The most striking political phenomenon of our recent era, which some rightly call the era of authoritarian leaders, is the rise of the extreme right in the partycratic/party-dominated capitalist countries. Some prefer to call it the radical, ultra-nationalist or populist … Continue reading →